
How's the memory usage with these things?

I didn't have any troubles, but the Password Exporter extension seems useful.

I hope my employer never provides gadgets used to work me to death outside of the office. I like having my laptop and nothing more.

A lot of these items are really tasty things... but they aren't cheap. If I live off this list I'll go broke.

It took me a long time to accomplish this, but I'm pretty much trained myself to fall asleep if the show Seinfeld is on tv. Even in mid-day, I can play a Seinfeld episode on my laptop and hit a deep sleep within 10 minutes. It's great for getting a power-nap in during the day.

I may have to give this one a try, but I'm a diehard for Amarok at this point.

I have no problems when I drink large amounts of vitamin heavy herbal tea before bed after a night of drinking. I've found that 1 glass of water for each glass of an alcoholic beverage works well too. If I have a hangover, I just sleep and eat greasy food. Nothing beats a good cheeseburger.

This is so interesting. When I was young, my parents bought an encyclopedia set. When I asked a question, they would make me "look it up." It really didn't take much longer than using the internet — I just walked to the next room over, found the topic in the index, and then read the relevant info. It's really the

@johnsmith1234: The US didn't redefine the units of measurement. The Imperial system came about in 1824, after US independence. The US standard was already in place by that point.

@bohemian: A solid transit system would be great. I would love it if the major cities of my state were connected by a commuter rail system.

I am "meh" across the board. I wanted different carrier options, a better camera, multimedia messaging, and a swappable battery.

@pschroeter: That doesn't sound awesome. I'm not sure if this is accurate, but I always thought olive oil would burn easily and is not a good frying oil. That recipe sounds suspect to me.

I hate unnecessarily long recipes that have too many ingredients. I don't have a problem with a lot of steps... just too many ingredients. I started learning to cook Thai food last year and was amazed to see Wolfgang Puck's Pad Thai recipe. It had way too many ingredients. I found a street vendor Pad Thai recipe

@MadModderX: Not really. You would be better off installing Ubuntu and removing any unnecessary apps, then remove gnome but leave xorg in place. You can then script it to boot directly into xorg and launch XBMC. You'll get the same effect in the end. OSearch the xbmc forums and you'll get full instructions on all

@Diet-Orange-Soda: XBMC for linux will run HD content without an issue so long as you meet the general hardware requirements: [xbmc.org] . I highly recommend nVidia cards.

@pschroeter: Woah, you just changed my life.

@harshmellow: I know Vista isn't for everyone, but it has what you seek. When copying a batch of files it will ask if you would like to replace the existing file or not. You can check box that will make your selection to not replace effective across all other conflicts. It's a nice little feature.

I find the best thing is to use cruise control wherever possible. Going 55 mph instead of 65 doesn't help me much at all. However, ensuring my car keeps a steady 65 without any fluctuation in foot pressure on the gas pedal helps immensely.

I love Deluge, but I switched to Transmission with Clutch when I made a headless Linux server. Deluge .6 will supposedly run from the terminal as a service. If that works out, I'm switching back to Deluge in a heartbeat.

@Gina Trapani: MediaPortal branched off from XBMC a long time ago. Both are very different at this point and I wouldn't hold them out to be related anymore. At any rate, I've been testing the Linux version sans remote control from my Ubuntu file server for a while. I do not think it's any less stable than the