Holy shit I didn’t know Fake Sergio caused that much grief
Because he’s 51 years old competing against guys in the WRC who are 20+ years younger. There’s also the fact that he started rallying in his 40s, while the other top drivers in the WRC have been rallying since their teens.
Have any of the above stuffed a GM press car into a barrier?
Are you fucking kidding me?
Indeed. I wish you were here under different circumstances.
Idiot. No. It is not about being faster. It is about engagement and being connected to the car. Doing things yourself and enjoying every single aspect about actually DRIVING.
If they put some time and effort into the B58 the car already has, they’d likely be pretty amazed by its capabilities as well...but fanboys gotta fanboy.
Weirdly, the taillights were used for the Canadian market-only Lada Niva Pickup.
This man is a genius. If it was locked in a garage with an armed security detail (like most F40s likely are), people would wonder how to steal it. But on the street with duct tape... Everyone assumes its a Fiero and won’t touch it with a 10' pole.
Don’t go chasing waterfalls
This is hilarious. Jason Torchinsky should be promoted for this.
That’s about like saying “I’ve never had sex and I’m getting sick of seeing it used for selling everything, as well as procreating! Who needs more people?” :P
Yep. Hot take alert! I’d rather drive through a cornfield backwards with a manual vs. wasting those beautiful Japanese roads in an auto.
Jalopnik Gold remembers.
never forget
I wonder how many people around these parts remember his majesty Roy Wort.
One other bad thing, no third pedal and shifter.
“Canadian Park”
> must be in Toronto