This easily.
This easily.
Two-stroke snowmobiles [...] are on average allowed to emit 105 times more carbon monoxide
While I never bought it I figured out all the parts, & were to get them. I nearly pulled a the trigger on an imported 2006 Megane RS. There where 2 options. A Renault specialist in Quebec, or get them from Mexico. I could have got the parts from europe, but the 1st two options where the cheapest.
Fridays at work are usually short days, I take the afternoon to clean the crew vehicles for the next week of abuse. I could write a 3 part novel on the mess they are.
My instructor used a Chrysler 200. Do I need to say more?
As the Unnecessary automobile nose swaps. this makes me real happy.
It’s also a factory 6spd manual car, makes it more Jalop.
Then B17 Sentra & Leaf have the same suspension too. A Juke modifying trick is to use parts for the Sentra since it has much better aftermarket, & most of the parts carry over.
Great minds think a like.
I’ve been active on Oppo for the past 4 years. I’ll definitly miss it, but all good things must come to an end. The people I’ve met from it(mostly Toronto ones), the few meet ups I’ve gone too. It has changed my life in some ways. Kinja Oppo may die, but there are some alternates that are already doing well. The…
How much lighter does front end feel when pushing it in the corners?