JujyMonkey: unstable genius

He was off drugs and extremely courteous, so I’d imagine it’s between drugs and asshole

I once played chess with Dave Mustaine, the lead singer/guitarist from Megadeth.

So this was the guy who was going to bring Trump down, huh?

Remember that time this asshole would be the one to bring Trump down?

So, it has now been determined, by 18 people that truly hate President Trump

What a dick.


Porque no los dos?

“Our National Former Prisoner of War Recognition Day we honor the Americans captured and imprisoned by foreign powers while carrying out their duties to defend this great nation”

First rule of Fight Club; never mention Jude Law was in Fight Club

<Farts loudly>

Reiss spends enough time studying and responding to anti-vaccine propaganda to know that anti-vax groups and websites will use de Blasio’s order as ammunition—proof that a tyrannical government really will crack down on anyone who opposes vaccines.

Feckless. All of them

Out of curiosity, what does everyone pay their respective accountants to file taxes? I pay $450

Poor young kid or shit-eating goblin?

The head of the Secret Service, Randolph “Tex” Alles, is on his way out.”

the current leader of the free world is clearly too dumb to understand that.”

Clearly this administration is not Be Best

Saw the pee-pee tape

Let all of these terrible people devour each other