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    If you’re really gonna try this whole writing for a living thing, you can choose from “resume” or “résumé”, but never “resumé”.

    I think you went to the wrong Portland.

    Still the same amount of obnoxious neon polyester shirts.

    I see this as a sign of the Jets FO being actually responsible in wake of the previous regime. If you followed him all training camp it’s not surprising. The guy wouldn’t do what he was told, and never made it past 2nd team in practice. Why waste anymore time with him? Also sends a good message to motivate the locker

    Are you able to deconstruct your reasoning, perhaps in terms of music theory?

    I’m in the same camp! I play a lot of Game Boy games still (as a result of my backlighting hobby), and have an appreciation for the limitations of 4-channel audio, so that probably plays into my acceptance of the music.

    Sounds like he didn’t qualify for the rules that are currently in place. 105 miles is an awful lot for somebody claiming to need to be close to take his mother to appointments regularly. Moving 2 hours closer doesn’t say much, either. You cherry picked here to make a case, but there is none.

    Can we all agree to stop calling those taxpayer crimes what the bankers want us to call them?

    Get ready! They already put the New Era logo on the hats during the 2016 playoffs and kept them there since, Nike is putting their logo on the front of all the uniforms in 2 seasons, and Manfred wants jersey ads.

    My biggest fear is how they’ll attempt to fix it. Manfred is a “let’s do a marketing” kinda guy. The Nike swoosh is coming to the front of all uniforms (even the Yankees, the only team who don’t don the small Majestic sleeve logo currently), they put that New Era logo on the hats, uniform ads are incoming, military

    If I was him I’d honestly buy a bedbug suit, and dance around the streets in it. It’s the only way to save face, but he’s too stubborn and poopbrained to do it.

    The suffix “-inho” means tiny, so idk if that’d be fitting.

    I’m a Yankees fan, but the A’s will always be my second favorite team. They have the best team colors (can’t beat green and yellow, and the white shoes), and they’re the poor man’s Yankees in scouting. 

    The original selfie stick.

    Waiting for Opening Day by Samuel Beckett

    BattleHawks are by far the worst name here. Enough with fake-ass bird names already.

    Deadspin does a whole lot of that shit themselves.

    Imagine spending $80 on this instead of a $50 Lenovo alarm with Assistant and a screen...

    Imagine spending $80 on this instead of a $50 Lenovo alarm with Assistant and a screen...

    Yeah, MLS didn’t ask for this. Moron.

    It’s nobody’s fault but yours that you’re frustrated with your ignorance.