Winnipeg media would be perfect for him, I agree.
Winnipeg media would be perfect for him, I agree.
Melo... at Center?
These games would never happen otherwise. You’re ignorant to the industry, and that’s why you’re frustrated and dramatic.
Gabe is a dramatic moron, he’s always like this. Facts don’t matter.
Those shirts are licensed by MLBPA, not MLB. That’s union royalties.
Sorry that’s not dramatic enough to blog about.
You’re a good person. Also when I see two stacks with 1 dps and healer, I assume the worst.
I also prefer tanking and this is my dream. Trusting your heals and tanking is so satisfying.
Then you get the “iTs JuSt QuIcKpLaY”, to which I respond “It’s quickplay, not quickwastemytime”.
Lugo isn’t even a top 3 reliever in New York.
“All of these talking points are standard opposition to a union, and none of them hold water.”
Why’s this petty blogger always jelly of NY?
I poop at work.
Are you also going to complain about the all black Sanford & Son set?
I’m a racist and can confirm the joke is not funny.
Please stop using non-profit credentials as if that makes a public figure good or bad.
Why so dramatic?