
Kind of shocked that this kind of thing happened at Miami, of all the schools in Ohio. Miami has the reputation of being the school where all the smart kids go, if they decide to stay in state. I got a 28 on my ACT back in 2003 and got waitlisted there.

I'm the kind of person that will go to work unless I am throwing up or have some ridic high fever. Suffer through the day. I have one coworker who misses work ALL THE FUCKING time. I seriously have no idea how he is still employed. I'm always cc'ed on an email that he's explaining why he is coming in late - or not

Image fail.

But but but!

Nothing to ask, just wanted to let you know your last interview with Christine O'Donnell still makes me laugh. You rock.

Cue all the idiot pundits harping about how Michelle Obama clearly isn't about eating healthy because she gives her dog extra treats in 5... 4... 3...

This is not shocking. I've listened to Dave & Jimmy as long as I can remember, since I'm from Ohio and lived in the Columbus area until about a year and a half ago. Jimmy is notorious for being an asshole and he continuously objectifies women. Kelsey is another co-host on the show, and he absolutely treats her like


I think it can be hit or miss, like with any genre. I absolutely dislike Tolkien's writing style, it's absolutely exhausting to read. But if you look at the reviews, I hold the minority opinion apparently. Oh well, to each its own indeed!

It's DEFINITELY not a YA series (hence my post about how it's in a different league). But, if you're not into fantasy/medieval thing, then it's probably not going to be your cup of tea anyway.

I'm no fan of Teresa, but it always seemed to me that Teresa was too dumb to orchestrate some sort of setup like this. I assumed the whole time this was Kim's doing for attention and Teresa went along with it/knew about it, because let's be real... she doesn't fucking like Melissa.

I haven't made it there yet! I'm almost finished with AFFC!

Lena Dunham's dress is the most unflattering thing I've ever seen. Jesus.

Bagel head. What the actual fuck.

A Song of Ice & Fire is totally in a different league than any of the other fads you mentioned. If you enjoy that genre, you should seriously check it out. The first three books are some of the best books I've read.

I'm sorry, but reading "FATNESS EVERDEEN" just made me spit coffee on my monitor.

Kid on the far left needs to shut the hell up. Sheesh.

If anyone needs me, I'll be in my bunk, reading Mulder/Scully fanfic.

HAHA! I'm not sure. I also saw someone wrote Bible slashfic and it was submitted to that blog. Basically everything in life is fair game.

There's a tumblr called WTF Fanfiction (http://wtffanfiction.tumblr.com) and it basically posts submissions from the worst crackfics imaginable. The other day, I happened to see a snippet of an Obama/Biden slashfic and I fucking died.