
I have to say that both pharmacology and psychological talk therapy personally saved me from killing myself, hands down. I feel it's necessary to say that, because someone may be thinking about getting some help and be discouraged from your post. (Nothing personal, but when I was really fucking depressed, I took

Both of the things you cite do indeed work for a LOT of people, and have enabled them to have lives they might otherwise have been deprived of. The sad fact is that a great many people with mental health problems either don't seek help, or don't stick with what might help them eventually (by which I mean people who

It must be terrible for black parents to have to tell their children "Even if you're unarmed, even if you're well-behaved, even if you do everything right, there is still a chance that a white police officer will murder you in the street with your hands up."

The craziest thing to me in the aftermath of these killings is how accepting most people are of the militarization of the police. I fully expect that when video footage is found (dashcam or otherwise), Mike Brown will have done nothing that could warrant a reaction with fatal force, but people will still look and

I miss the greys.

brought back the greys

Why not just block all gifs? They aren't usually as clever as the poster thinks, anyway.

M-O-O-N, that spells EBOLA.

Baby, can you dig your man/he's a righteous man....

Yes. And the fanfic was called "Master of the Universe." Srsly. Lol. I remember reading a "bootleg" copy of it because the original had been pulled from her site because she was reworking it for original publishing and I was like "Ha! Good luck, there!! No one is going to buy this crap." Which just goes to show I

This will never make sense to me. I have eight bazillion bottles of Sinful Colors nail polish (at less than $2 a pop) - I finish them off with a Sally Hansen top coat and they stay FOREVER. On my fingernails, I've never had the color chip and that stuff can stay on my toenails until they grow out.

Pink? For nails? How groundbreaking.

I think all this confirms Sean Bean reads the books , knows the theories and is an utter GRRM class bastard

The heart wants what the heart wants.

Holy crap. You could buy 5 b. of sugar, 5 lb. of flour, a can of cocoa, and all the ingredients you need for about $15 and make dozens and dozens of cupcakes!

Yep that's the one I was at too! SO much fun, such great energy! And we even got a rainbow :)

"Requiem," strangely enough, is also probably the single BEST X-Files season finale. Funny how that one worked out.

Just so long as the spider's name isn't Mordred. /just finished reading The Dark Tower last night

Regarding Cersei, there's that prophecy she got as a child that says "the valonqar" (little brother in Valyrian) will strangle her after her three children die (which sucks for Myrcella and Tommen).

The only thing left, really, is for Martin to pack each edition of Winds of Winter with a venomous spider placed about fifty pages before the end so that you, the reader, dies at the climax of the book.