That family up top DOES look incredibly fake. And my best friend's mom always has lots of wine at the table - which always makes for a great dinner, regardless of the food haha.
That family up top DOES look incredibly fake. And my best friend's mom always has lots of wine at the table - which always makes for a great dinner, regardless of the food haha.
That's how we did it in college too when I lived in a house with friends. We made a point to have "Sunday dinner" at least (since everyone had night classes, club meetings, and whatnot during the week). Even today, when it's just myself and my 3 year old, I always have Sunday dinner and sit down at the table.
Mine gave us the finger in the 3D ultrasound. Now that he is almost 3, I understand that is what we call "foreshadowing".
I grew up in a home with parents that weren't very invested. We rarely ate together, and when we did, dinner lasted no longer than 15 minutes and no one really talked much. I also spent half my life at my best friend's house. Where dinner was served at 6 every night and half the time, we were still at the dinner…
YES. I have a pug (she's 4+ months old right now) and Jesus H. Christ, she is like a bouncy ball. Love her to pieces, but god, so much work. Very worth it though. How old is your pug?
I agree with you. I think mostly people don't do enough research on breeds before buying them. People buy them on the stereotype sometimes. I have a pug, and when I take her out to pee, the formidable neighbor kids swarm around her and excitedly ask if my dog is a pit, as if it's some awesome social status, and…
I grew up in this Ohio Valley region and most of my family still lives there. Don't think the homophobia you see from the Boy Scouts there is limited to just that organization. It's everywhere in that area, because, god forbid, something different. My sister is gay, and when she was in high school (and this is very…
I feel like I was fortunate with my hospital food experiences. The only time I was in the hospital was when my kid was born. He was born at Ohio State Medical center which is pretty huge - so there are a lot of food options there (to include a Wendy's).
As a pug owner, I completely agree with you. Puggles are not cute at all. Though this video is precious. And I totally agree with you on this breeding fad. I will not get on my soapbox because I fear I won't be able to come down, but yes, I agree.
Ha! I submitted this tip to Gawker. I totally want to know what kind of benefits their employees get... discounted drinks? free entry to clubs? free IVs?
I got A's and B's in math classes up to Geometry. Once Algebra 2 hit, it was all downhill from there. I think I got a 15 on the math part of the ACT (but a 30 in writing and a 32 in reading, further contributing to the stereotype I guess haha). I'd be fucked today taking the ACT. My sister said there isn't even a…
I got caught in the lazy trap for the past year and a half or so. I was really unhappy with most aspects of my life and you know, you just get in a rut. After moving and changing jobs, I have joined the Y and forced myself into new things - yoga, pilates, zumba, so on. I love it so much, I've begun taking classes…
So long Rick, we hardly knew thee. But what we did know, we didn't really like.
I was really happy with my experience with Greek life. I was a Delta Zeta and I never thought of myself as a "sorority girl", but I had a great time. We liked to drink - but we also consistently each year had the highest GPA of any campus organization, etc. Most of the girls I was in it with I am still in touch…
Unfortunately Virginia Beach schools were not in session today because of a "staff day". I'm hoping these residents were all out running errands and all have renter's insurance.
That's exactly what I wondered! My last one ran me $75!
I live over here in Norfolk, so my whole office has been keeping tabs on this.
Yeah that is my annoyance too. We have to work all our meetings around engineer schedules and they are supposed to be here by 11, and they are never on time to meetings. The same meetings that are EVERY week.
Where I work, most everyone rolls in around 9am, with the few early bird exceptions (to include me). Our execs roll in at 10(ish?) and engineers 11(ish?). I come in at 8 or sometimes 7:45. I am out of there, depending on what is going on and what time I get in, by 4:15 or 4:30. I feel pretty lucky though, because…