Juicy Burger

He beats his wife too?

@Scrawler2:disqus Please don't correct the typo.
Juicy Burger, Esq.
Renter of Garments, Wigs and Such.

To be continued on the next episode of Newswire.

Yeah, the beats on this t-shirt are totally fucking wack.

Neither do people who bought this t-shirt.

Just like the very reasonable @avclub-e5e75678d9346d88878b7c95b97eac68:disqus I got no reason to get in your face over a contrary opinion. I liked D9 a lot. As for overrated, which sci-fi movies in the last 10 years managed clever world building and action with a little bit of soul?

John Cho is doing alright.

Listening to Cherub Rock and  Geek USA for the first time are very good experiences. I recommend it to everyone.

If you get all your musical info from the internet, you jump all over the timeline. MBV predates Pumpkins by 4-5 years, btw.

Coincidentally listening to Siamese Dream for the first time. Sounds like hesher mbv, which is cool by me.

As a rich man person, only the coffee that comes from a very special cat's rear end will satisfy me.
PS. Don't Google this one either.

Feel let down by the American justice system? Why not try the Norwegian law? Also hellooo ladies.
Edit: Srsly, don't Google this. Scandinavian law makes Stieg Larsson sound PG-13.

Hellooo ladies.

Counterpoint: Little me saw them 10 years ago at a high school gym for a princely sum of $6.00. It was all-ages, DIY as fuck, they put on a great show and the sound was fantastic.. McKaye, to an idiot who kept screaming while the band was thanking the crowd, "Shut the fuck up, sir."

"Axis" is the only song I've heard so far. It's already on heavy rotation here. I hope the rest of the album keeps it up.

Nah son, your comment getting flagged, that's well deserved.

I think Miller blossomed into a full-on douche over the years. The signs are there if you look close enough. The Dark Knight's psychiatrist, a stand-in for liberal limp-wrists who just aren't capable of seeing true evil and so on.

Cynically speaking, LGBTs don't amount to much dollar-wise and lord knows there are way more assholes who would support them for being homophobic. So good on them for making this gesture.

"The truth is, Card and his ilk are losing."
@avclub-1d04064d540beb34e0cc414561bc6f35:disqus This seems really naive or a view from The Privilege Tower. Judging by this thread, our politics is similar, but our POV is still quite different. I think for people at the receiving end, the change can't come soon enough. Card

Don't read it unless you want to get seriously bummed. About people with hardships, your original point, it can go two ways. Not everyone polishes their soul with adversity. I knew a guy who had a terminal case of cancer. He was really terrible to his minions. His logic was, "I'm gonna die, leave my wife and kid to