
Seriously, who’s Anton?

Very much this! We all have to put our money where our values are, for those of us without the big platform, that’s the most powerful form of activism we have. Thank you for reminding me. 😊


You’re not expecting too much. The times call for us to be more intentional in our actions and Sean Penn is no exception.

See also: Louis CK

Reminds me of the vampires in Paris in Interview with the Vampire, who pretended to be humans pretending to be vampires.

Terry Richardson is a lot like Jimmy Savile: he managed to convince a lot of people that he wasn’t really a predator by self-consciously presenting himself as a parody of a predator. This kind of person is especially dangerous because there’s pressure to be in on the joke.

Okay so I remember one of Demi’s and Bruce’s daughter, forget which one, said Terry tried to finger her during a photoshoot and the fact she was made to feel like it was her fault lead to some addicition problems so fuck terry, he’s always been creepy.

The biggest difference between Mariah and Celine Dion is Celine always keeps her growing vocal limitations in mind and accomodates them. If she sings old songs she adjusts them. And she has no qualms about admitting that (even coaching some kids on The Voice how to do so.)

Imagine for a minute that this is a child. Standing in front of the bowl. A sibling, younger or older, could close the lid down, on purpose or on accident, and it would likely strike the micturating child in the junk.

to be perfectly honest, mine was nearly choked to death a thousand times over.

No worries. He is conservative. All he has to do is ask GOD for forgiveness and the other conservatives will like him again.

I wonder how many “roses” she was asking for on Craigslist for said date.

Yep. Probably would’ve framed the damaged works as new pieces.

Agreed. I don’t like the seemingly gleeful tone of the article. The guy in question may be an asshole, but this woman needs help and the art can’t be replaced. I don’t see what’s to take joy in here.

All I could think of was the art. Like Warhol or not, his artwork can’t be replaced.

That was pretty much my reaction exactly. The art’s owner is awful and more than deserves this, but it’s still depressing whenever art is damaged.

The saving grace is that Andy Warhol would have loved this story.