
Does anyone else find that their mental illness(es) makes it very hard for them to trust their gut? I am so prone to second-guessing myself. I think I have pretty good instincts where people are involved but I always struggle with listening to my inner voice because it’s usually saying ‘Everyone secretly hates you and

Sometimes I think there are at least two different people writing for this advice column, because weeks it’s horrible and then other weeks it’s pretty solid advice. There’s been quite a few though where the victim is blamed, and I hope this post means it’s a turning point from that.

Women, I think, get a lot of this pressure. Pressure to be in a relationship. Pressure to have a baby. Pressure to focus on family and making your spouse happy. Pressure to fit into society’s norms of beauty. It’s exhausting. Sometimes, we just need someone to confirm that it’s okay to let go.

But also, nothing too butch, amirite!

These last couple of months have been brutal, but the last few days especially so for me. I’ve been remembering more and more incidents and ‘run-ins’ with the fellow that assaulted me prior to the actual event, as well as the immediate aftermath and the chaos that ensued for me. I’m sick, I’m stressing, I’m not

I can think of times in my life when my gut failed to pick up on danger, but I cannot think of any time when it warned me and I was wrong.

It helps* to remember that anyone who tells you to dismiss your gut is someone who makes the world accommodating for abusers and criminals.

And that right there sounds exactly like my Uncle’s garage. But god forbid you wore anything remotely sexual. You wouldn’t want people thinking you were a slut, now, would you?

We (as women) are so socialized to disbelieve or dismiss our guts. Even now, as a grown-assed woman, if I state a ‘nope’ position based on what my gut tells me, I get pushback from women as often as men. “I’m sure it’s not so bad!” “Give him a chance!” “But he’s Faaaaaamily.” You don’t even need to ask how often my

What’s bigoted about a women not wanting to have unprotected sex? She’s not anti-gay, she’s anti-STD. I thought a woman had a right to choose what happens to her body. I guess that only applies if she passes your ideological test.

Yeah. Caveat: this is from 2010 and all, so I have to hope that standards have shifted in the past seven years, but this was(/still is?) a pretty well-known concern? She doesn’t phrase her dissent super-well, in that she doesn’t add a disclaimer that she’s not homophobic, but her tweet is clearly voicing a concern

Apparently it wasn’t about bigotry, but that is what it’s been painted as

A male pornstar told August Ames to drink cyanide and die during the whole tweet incident. Smh.

One year at Thanksgiving I was watching TV with my sister and her then-girlfriend. I stopped on Forrest Gump and made some dismissive comment. My sister asked me why. I derisively said, “Ugh, it’s self-congratulatory Boomer nostalgia porn.”


Just a heads up, but anyone interested in the Manson Family should listen to “You Must Remember This” and the series “Charles Manson’s Hollywood”. Fascinating. Also, a great reminder that Roman Polanski is a piece of shit!

Every time I read an article from some Boomer complaining about how my generation is self-involved and narcissistic I want to remind them that entertainment pandering to and venerating Boomers is now entering it’s sixth decade.

She could nail that Patricia Krenwinkel tho.

If it’s some Helter Skelter bullshit, that is incredibly tacky and in poor taste. Fuck Manson and them. I’d rather see a tribute to those who died. Jennifer Lawrence is pretty, but Sharon Tate was just out of this world beautiful! Margot Robbie oversaturation coming in 2018.