
No lie. If a woman sent that response to me on Tinder, by first instinct would be "this has got to be a trap".

Part of the reason why I love comic books is because they're full of ridiculous stuff (hell, last week I spent $7.99 on a comic were ninja turtles were time-traveled to the medieval era to have a team up with a rabbit samurai in order to stop the giant catfish trapped beneath the earth from destroying Japan) but The

I just want to take a second to appreciate the black vice principal's casual racism. It's a thing that I've seen happen frequently in real life, and I totally get Issa's reaction because I've done the same thing. And then I felt ashamed of myself. This show is actually making me feel things!

Well, he made a character that's stuck in my memory for years, so that's….something.

Basically, because she was a whore for attention.

No Batman villain was/is stupider than The Absence- an ex-girlfriend of Bruce Wayne who got shot in the head during a yacht party and ends up with a giant hole through her skull where her brain should be. She survives because she apparently has some kind of condition that allows her to live as a human donut (comics

Yeah. I haven't seen it but I saw they had a review up on the A.V. Club. 30 for 30 usually has good documentaries, so I expect to check it out eventually.

Black Hammer #11 - Kind of a slow issue, but had some really good character stuff from Barbalien. Looks like they're setting up to unravel some of the mysteries of the town in the next issue or two, so that's exciting.

IDW's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles ongoing would be my recommendation. It's got some of the best long term storytelling I've read.


Then he probably goes home to listen to Mike Francesa and gripes with his cousin about all the brown people moving into the neighborhood.

It always seemed like a power thing to me. Like "I can use my money to control other people's sex lives." And if it is a humiliation thing, who's to say the may is the one meant to be humiliated. The guy might get off on the idea that his wife is uncomfortable with him watching her go to bed with another man.

Anthony Scaramucci looks less like a White House staffer and more like he should be trying to sell watches of "indeterminate origin" out of the trunk of a '87 Cadillac de Ville in Ozone Park.

Shouldn't leaving Cleveland, Ohio be an end in and of itself?

You got to do your part to make the white folk uncomfortable.

I admit that I take some enjoyment in answering white people questions. You can tell the some of them dang near anything and they'll believe you.

Man, I hate Teddy. He's got the most punchable face. And Franklin…look, I know from experience that hurting somebody is not something that just anybody can do. But he is well past the point where he can prevaricate on doing the more gruesome aspects of the business he CHOSE to be in.

I don't care enough about the n-word to have ever felt guilty about using it. I don't say it around my mom or older relatives or anything, but that's a given. Who curses around their mother?

Well… that's expected.

Masego is that dude.