
He been to jail?

Was he supposed to be cool with his girlfriend fukking somebody else, just because?

No she wasn't. Their entire relationship was just two people who were still together out of convenience more than genuinely wanting to spend their lives together.

She actually seems interested in being with Lawrence.

Lawrence doesn't want to go full savage- he's too soft hearted for that. But he can, however, string Tasha along while he figures his own mess out. Trust me, that's not a good decision.

I fucking love Euron and Qyburn. I hope they both somehow live at the end.

I really enjoyed this episode! The one thing that was really brought home for me is that Lawrence is even worse at reading the signs than I am. It's pretty clear Tasha has some different ideas about their relationship than he does.


IDK, but Chester Bennington had clinical depression and a history of substance abuse problems.

I spent a lot of time in this episode being frustrated with Franklin. I understand that he's young and naive and over his head but…bruh! You're selling cocaine; and not dimes either - actual keys of cocaine. People in that game will kill you over a fraction of what Carvell took out of that house.

That's depressing.

Exactly nobody is going to care if OJ Simpson get's out of prison. He's not sexy anymore.

See, if they explored how slavery would work in a modern setting with modern technology, that would be kinda interesting. But alternative history is hard sci-fi, and I'm not confident that these show runners are going to be able to build the world where this premise would be plausible.

Was it though? I don't remember that being the case.

So, is the show going to portray the modern-day Confederate States of America as it actually would be: the economically depressed, semi-industrial society that would result from a modern nation-state whose economy is based around agrarian chattel slavery? Because if not, then I'm seriously questioning how the audience

I a really big fan of alternate history stories, but Man in the High Castle is just a painfully uninteresting show.

I watch or listen to something that makes me laugh. Sometimes, if I'm feeling frisky, I'll go troll someone in a YouTube comment section because that's amusing to me.

So he's a real doctor, but is he a good doctor?

I look at this the same way I look at it when a cop gets shot. People are losing their lives, and that's not anything I'm going to laugh about.

No. It doesn't work both ways.