
My favorite scene from this episode was Issa and Frida in the break room. Issa trying to justify her very fucked up behavior and trying to argue that Frida can't criticize her actions because she's white had me shaking my head and muttering "that's not how that works, Issa. YOU KNOW that's not how that works!"

At least he doesn't die in that one.

I agree with the reviewer; the biggest thing keeping the show from elevating from "watchable" to "actually good" for me is the lack of clear character motivations. I don't care about or identify with any of these people because I'm not sure what's driving them.

The ending song is The Temptations rendition of "Smiling Faces Sometimes". Personally, I prefer the cover done by The Undisputed Truth.

If I thought that Lawrence was hurt in any way by the experience, then I'd probably have more sympathy. But he's going to be fine - he didn't even really like Tasha that much.

No! That n*gga is 6'4", getting tech money and is built like he plays water polo.

It warms my heart to know that Eph also thinks it would be better for everyone if his son was dead.

As a person whose relationship history is almost exclusively made up of encounters with women I barely know, I really enjoyed how cringe inducing the hook up scenes were. Those scenes were really well directed in the way they captured how awkward the build-up to sex is in that weird period where nobody is sure how to

I just assumed that the black guy and the white woman were a couple who had come to pick up that box together.

That actually goes to one of my main problems with the show. Snowfall, imo, hasn't done enough to show the context surrounding the characters. Events happen and the audience is just left to fill in the blanks. With the CIA plot, we're shown that the agency is doing nefarious things in Central America but the show

Rickon, Dickon, whatever. In my heart, you'll always be Billy Bones.

The show just hasn't been all that interesting. The season is halfway over and it's yet to gain any momentum. That's a bad sign.

The nonprofit world, at least the portions that regularly serve POCs - are filled with white people like Frida. The majority of them are good folks that genuinely care about the causes and the people they work with. Some of them though….definitely on some white man's burden isht.

The girl in that story needs to get over herself.

Black people.

When people say that, they're defining racism as an institutional phenomenon where one race benefits off the oppression of others. In that sense, no, we (black Americans) can't be racist.

Re: Frida, I think the character tweeting at Duvernay is more of an example of her being sincere and corny, rather than performative.

Yeah, but excelling at your job isn't the same thing as you being passionate about it.

You never know. It might happen.

Vice Principal Gaines talking about Latinos sounds a lot like my dad. That scene had me feeling some type of way because for the first time I found myself completely siding with White Girl Frida.