
I was just thinking earlier this week that I need to go back and watch Farscape. This is a sign, surely.

Have white peoples been acting different? To be honest, I haven't seen much evidence of that; they been acting the same as they were for years before Trumpito got elected. (Of course, I live in the part of Georgia that's not Atlanta so that might have something to do with it.)

I really don't like the idea that Floyd Mayweather, living proof that good things happen to bad people, losing this fight would be a collective L for black folks.

Those are very reasonable suggestions.

People want to see the circus.

All this is indicative of is how boxing is well and truly on it's way out as a major sporting event. Joe Budden is right. This is a clown show. Everyone knows what the outcome of this "fight" is going to be.

I liked the first episode but the thing was on my mind the most after watching it was how many people in real life have died from boofing cocaine? How's your family going to react when they hear that cause of death?

I like them because I'm a contrarian, but you have to admit, they're pretty pointless.

There's only been the one episode so far, right?

No! She's got a Vlalerian Steel sword! She needs to kill Wihite Walkers and have her rematch with the Hound!

Oh cool! Game of Thrones is come back on Sunday; I had no idea!

His face hurts my soul so, so much.

Honestly, I think it kinda works for Vybz Kartel because I imagine he looks like the figure I'm going to see when Death finally comes for me.


Welp, there's another reason for me to not have kids.

At least I finally know what "Hot Peas & Butter" is.

I was about to comment on the idiocy of playing a game where the point is to get your @zz beat with a belt until I remembered how we all used to slapbox.

Hasn't that always been the case though, re: your concerns about the LGBT community. From what my queer friends have told me, there's always been a pretty clear racial divide. You a n*gga before you're anything else.

"And, if it were not for the millions of white men who gave their lives in World War II, we might all be starting the work day with the Nazi salute."

"And, if it were not for the millions of white men who gave their lives in World War II, we might all be starting the work day with the Nazi salute."