
How much does anybody really care about whether or not Tiger Woods claims Blackness?

That's just how it is with longstanding social conventions. Habits are hard to break.

From what I understand, parents try really hard to get their kids involved in that league. Apparently, Long Beach has so few resources for children in poor communities that Snoop's football league is something of a godsend for a lot of people who want their sons to stay away from the streets.

Snoop, Vince Staples and Schoolboy Q have got all the Crip stuff covered. Maybe it's time to make some more stuff like "Sexual Eruption"?

Finishing leftovers.
Just some risotto and the last squash patty I'd made earlier this week.


You consider that violent & hysterical? Really?

The "sticks and stones" adage was fucking stupid when we were kids and it's stupid now.

"An eruption of violence and hysteria"?

I admit, I sometimes get annoyed by the whole safe spaces thing, but seriously, what kind of man shits on vulnerable people who are just trying to commiserate with one another?

Wow. That finale really….under-delivered.

He's the only celebrity that I've ever hated.

The only metric I use as to whether or not someone can "sing" is simple; would I pay money to hear this person's natural voice? Now, I should note, my willingness to spend money sometimes has little to do with a persons vocal ability- por ejemplo; Chris Brown. He's got a good voice, but I wouldn't give that lil'

I'm not bout that life.


It's cool that it looks like they'll be featuring Thunder and Lightning as more than background characters.

I'm not sure if I look African enough to pull off a Romper.

One? I got several.

Maybe it's just our cultural legacy at play.