
It cannot possibly take 5 mili to shoot some ashes out of a cannon.

You a lie.

I think it would be the first issue of Hack/Slash that I bought. That's the series that really got me into comics.

True. The Hellboy mythos is full of unsettling horror, but stuff like all the demons in hell falling into despair because Hellboy ate some pancakes for the first time is what makes it special.

Do we really need a "darker" Hellboy story?

Hey, there's always Lawrenceville.

That is a good question. How much money does it take for a Black person to be "affluent".

Weird as it sounds, it's kinda true. A couple of years ago Stanford published a study which showed that middle income black families tend to live neighborhoods with lower incomes than the typical low income white family.

Like PG County? I thought that area was also supposed to be really expensive.

Does anybody know where the (Black) people who are getting priced out of DC are moving?

They just can't seem to help themselves, can they?

I think the whole quote was something like, "There is no such thing as French culture. There is culture in France, and it is diverse." Apparently it was one of his campaign slogans. Macron's the one in office now, so I guess the idea resonated with enough people.

If GT said that, then couldn't it be more likely that Jack is the one who ends up sacrificing himself? After all, he's the character most the audience has the most investment in.

This pairing was narratively unnecessary, but I was entertained by the episode and found Jack and Ashi's interaction hilarious, so I'm good with this.

I agree re: Harper but I disagree about Luna. I never thought she was written as a particularly empathetic character. From her introduction on the show she came across as someone who held a visible disdain for people who weren't part of her group or didn't align with her philosophies.
Remember, she's a person that

That does appear to be what's happening. People have got to realize that "development" doesn't necessarily mean that a character will become a better, more mature person.

Her character always came across as borderline misanthropic, so the turn in this episode seemed like a natural conclusion for her.

Yeah…..I'm totally with Clarke & Jaha on this one. Cynicism for the win!

If you're like me and grew up watching cartoons in the early to mid-2000's then there's two role players who are very near to your heart.