
Wait, you mentioned Jason Weaver but you forget who was sharing the screen with him in Drumline; the legend that is Orlando Jones!

I love Fargo (but I like everything the Cohen brothers do). Woodbine's character was definitely one of the highlights.

Esposito and Merkson, definitely. But I think Jeffery Wright's has got to a point where he's too close to being "A-list" to be in the CPHOF.

Um…how is Bokeem Woodbine not on the list? The man like cinematic Green Tabasco sauce; provides just the right amount of flavor without overwhelming the situation.

That check the BCU board of governors got must be nice.

I thought was movie, was kind of "meh", so I was hesitant to watch the show. I think I'll give it a shot if f I hear a couple more positive reviews from people I trust.

The idea of piercing freaks me out, which is kinda weird because I've got 11 tattoos.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) o rly?

I use coconut oil for mine. Maybe throw in some rose water or tee tree oil if I got it.

Ah. That explains why I'm all of a sudden being hit up for my whipped shea butter recipe.

A few weeks ago it really hit me just how few superhero comics I still read. Ms. Marvel, New Superman and Astro City are all that's left in my pull list. I don't know if it was the crossovers or the reboots or the cancellation/de-railment of books I liked, but I just got turned off of superhero titles and I don't see

You should be very, very mad. I don't care if I don't actually want to talk to you (which I probably don't) if you're approaching my dog, you better greet me like an adult.

Ey, great minds and whatnot.

Really? You're sure nobody would find consensus with me? Because my conception of things is far from uncommon. Let me ask you a question; how many people have you had this conversation with?

Except it's totally not the same thing. I never said "fuck her ordeal". I never said "fuck your ordeal". I've never denied what you claimed happened to you or minimized your suffering. Nor have I claimed that you weren't subject to racially motivated abuse, or that what happened to you wasn't wrong, OR that Black

Right now? The world always been on the verge of tearing itself apart. You're just being hyperbolic now. And why do you hear conflict and necessarily associate it with violence? What we're doing right now on this thread is conflict.

Why would you assume I'm letting racism hold me back or overcompensating for something? You don't stop running the race just because you've got to jump more hurdles than the other guy. I've been able to get a Masters degree, I landed a pretty decent job, and I can do what I want. I don't think I'm oppressed; my

"Impossibility of wrongdoing on the parts of African-Americans…"

That's funny, because through the course of this conversation, I've made a point of not claiming Black people hold some type of monopoly over oppression. Notice, I gave the specific opinion that a White American person cannot feasibly claim to be racially oppressed (a statement that I maintain). But beyond that, I