I was wondering when VSB would get to Milo Yiannopolous.
I was wondering when VSB would get to Milo Yiannopolous.
I think everyone is entitled to at least a bit of effort.
I don't know. A gift that requires some effort?
And THAT is why Valentines Day is trash.
Only thing that was wrong is when he said it was her duty to give him some V- none of us are entitled to some p u$$y.
That's not very progressive of you.
I want to join this conversation, but I didn't listen to either album so….
There really is no in between with him, is there? Every time he decides to do anything, it's a giant roll of the dice. His assertiveness makes situations worse just as often as it makes them better.
Idk if it was intentional, but Bellamy's like an almost perfect subversion of the proverbial "Man-of-Action".
Thank you!!
This episode, more than any other, made me realize just how easily led Bellamy is and has been throughout the entire show.
Fuck you Jasper! I still hate you!
Bruh, the "divisive identity politics" of race are never going to go away. You've just got to resign yourself to it.
I feel like I should support this show but, honestly, Dear White People wasn't a good film. I'm really not sure how it would adapt to a series format, especially if the same people who wrote the movie are writing the show.
"You tellin' me he would have gone in on a brotha' like that?"
I can kinda get what you're saying, but it just doesn't make sense to me to- essentially- hold my gift over someone's head like that.
Let's be honest, very little "works" in working class/urban environments and rural areas.
Honestly, it's mostly just a bias I developed as a result of where I'm from. I've spent the best part of my life living in SC and NC; states that like the idea of privatization but aren't as enthusiastic about regulation and oversight of public funds. A lot of the charters schools that were established when I was…
I have no kids, but everything I've heard about charter schools makes me suspicious of the whole concept. Public money should fund public schools.
You're making it sound like that donation was to pay a car note, not save a life.