
I'm not saying it's a substitute, I just think the amount of money you throw at a kid is poor way to gauge someone's value as a parent. Too much emphasis is put on the financial side of things.

What would a Dream Deferred costume even look like?

Don't undercut the importance of a parent being present. My dad could cut child support checks, but it didn't make up for the fact that I say him maybe 100 times between ages

Them in the car at the end of the episode was just so sad.

Also; what is Jack & Jill? I've been poor for too long.

You know he came up with all those drink names himself.

From my reading of the situation, Van and Earn are two kinda-sad people that just don't want to be alone. Neither seems to be who the other wants, but they're all they've got.

I have to watch this episode again; it sooooo much going on in it that I need to unpack. This is the episode of the "should haves".

Being a Black American is probably always going to mean having to come to terms with White supremacy.

I got the impression that the bartender came up with the names himself.

What race are the other kids in the class. There's no shame in losing a dance-off to some Asian kids in Yeezy's and drop crotch pants.

This was probably the weirdest episode of Atlanta for me. I am not part of the Black upper class and I've yet to become close with anyone who is a part of that world, so I spent much of this episode feeling like as uncomfortable as Van and Earn looked.

Not the funniest episode of Atlanta, but it had sooooo much going on in it that I need to unpack. If I had to sum up the ideas in the episode with one phrase, it would be "should have".

What I'm having a problem with is this assumed distinction between "act dignified" and "act Black"; as if "Black" social traits are inherently shameful. Watching that scene again, other than being a bit loud, how was Rashida acting differently to any of the people in that Greek party at the beginning of the episode?

Drake has reached a level of popularity similar to acts like Maroon 5, Justin Beiber or Kanye West (yeah, I said it!) where he doesn't have to make music that's particularly good. He's long since achieved true crossover appeal and become a pop culture force of nature.

I stand by what I said.

Drake has reached a level of popularity similar to acts like Maroon 5, Justin Beiber or Kanye West (yeah, I said it!) where he doesn't have to make music that's particularly good. He's long since achieved true crossover appeal and become a pop culture force of nature. All he has to do is continue to ride current

…….They're Greeks.

I get what your saying, but the context of the whole respectability politics question gets on my nerves. Re: Molly and the Rashida character, lately I've been wondering why so many of us still feel the need modify our behaviors so as not to offend the sensibilities of White people. It'd be one thing if the main reason

Yeah, grits are basically slave food. They're still good though.