
I'm a millennial. Most of my female friends talk exactly like Issa and Molly do in the show.

10) Look at it as an opportunity. You finally get to look down your nose at somebody and declare (in your finely honed "exasperated-Black-elder" voice)- "Do you pay these bills? No? Then you ain't got no say in what I do in my house. Child, you done lost yo' d@mn mind".

I vibed less with the micro-aggression (it might be less of an issue for Black men) scenes than I did to the "respectability" issues presented in the episode. I always like it when shows try to tackle the idea of code switching and respectability politics. One thing I disagree with from the review is this comment

Awwww! You're adorable!

I remember seeing the RIP t-shirts pretty often back in high school (not so much nowadays). It always creeped me the fuck to see anybody walking around school with these big pictures memorializing people who were- usually- no older than I was.

I used to feel sorry for Paul; I don't anymore.

I can take a villain who's a "shallow, inconsistent, over-the-top
cliche" as long as they're not boring or annoying. Kilgrave was boring; I
found his motivations to be petty and uninteresting. I'm not saying he ruined Jessica Jones (the plot of JJ ruined JJ) but his presence didn't help matters.

I liked Diamondback, but I agree that it's kind of odd how they chose to fit him into the show. In the comics, Willis Stryker and Luke Cage were childhood friends and were part of the same gang, but they weren't brothers. Diamondback is also the one who framed Luke and got him sent to prison in the comics, but given

….Or maybe the people who say they like it just genuinely like it?

I know. When I said "actual comic book villain" I was referring to a villain who's actually fun to watch. Not an insufferably smug little bitch-ass serial rapist with a victim complex or a living void of personality assuming the form of Wil Traval.

I found this episode funnier than the last couple; especially the bit with shady Chris using the false wall.

Yes! I fuckin' LOVE Diamondback! We finally- finally- have an actual comic book villain in a comic book show!

Idk. I look at what we've seen of their relationship and the whole thing seems to be based on obligation and convenience more than genuine affection. It's like they're both going;

I found this episode funnier than the last couple; especially the bit with shady Chris using the false wall.

Are Ern and Van even together?

Weeks? There were cutscene movies on YouTube practically the next day.

"If anything, should someone make a You Tube video of all the cinematic pieces of the story put together…"

If only they had better gameplay to base the story around…

Good article.