
I don't understand the question. You actually talk to Uber drivers?

It may be weird to say this, but I really enjoyed all of the fuckboy methods Issa was employing with Lawrence- staying over at a friends house for an indeterminate amount of time; ignoring calls; still trying to use their store/employee/student discount even though ya'll aren't even really together like that. She'd

Okay; you've convinced me to watch this.

Yes. There is no grand conspiracy. There is no malicious directive. Nate Parker- a first time director- made a movie that was hyped up to be "amazing", but just turned out to be "pretty good".

I loved Diamondback. He's the type of bombastic villain I want to see in a superhero TV show.

Is Luke Cage the weakest part of Luke Cage? Yeah, I suppose he is.

None. There is no greater "point". It's just people having words.

I believe the guy playing the trans-racial kid is Nileseyy Niles from the Lean Squad. They do skits on YouTube.

Why does there have to be someone to blame? Maybe the movie just ain't that good. I wouldn't know; I didn't go see it.

You say "different categories of people" but I don't that's true. People are just selective about who and what they empathize with. Not caring about one thing that concerns one group doesn't mean a person cares about nothing.

I'd argue Taylor/ Kim & police shooting Black people is all in the same category if we're talking about an individual's levels of indifference to certain issues. If a person isnt engaged with a subject, then it's not going to matter to them, regardless of how objectively important the issue is.

What do you mean?

That's the conclusion I've drawn. What's your take?

The Montague segments with Paperboi were the best part of the show for me because, unlike the review, I found it very easy to see what the writers were getting at; the idea that modern society doesn't know how to deal with ambivalence. Paper Boi speaks from the perspective of a person who genuinely doesn't care about

About 8 years ago one of my friends declared that if you added the suffix "azz-n*gga" to any phrase, no matter how nonsensical, it would still make sense. I have yet to prove him wrong.

What's wrong with boiling chicken? If you season the water correctly, it's good eatin'.

The word n-gguh has been an integral part of my vocabulary since I was 13 and realized my mom wouldn't pop out of a bush and smack my for cussing.
Also, I get unreasonably annoyed at people who say "ninja" or "kneegrow" in place of n-gga. We all know what you're really saying; just say it or let it be!

"So far in the show Vanessa has shown herself to be a responsible, smart, breadwinning single mother…"

"Called out your name" is a pretty common African American colloquialism. I don't think I've ever heard any other group besides us use it.

I'm five episodes in so far. The most memorable parts of the show for me have been the numerous characters discussing "legacy" and what our predecessors would have wanted. We like to speculate about what our forebearers would have thought or would have wanted and some of the arguments given by various characters have