
Can I just say, I lowkey haaatteee Peter Parker.

Cage is about as close as you can come to a "working-class" superhero. The "for hire" bit was because he needed to pay the bills, but the character was always about helping out the common man first and foremost.

So, he's exactly like Luke Cage in the comics.

From what I understand, scripts get passed around and can float around for decades before anybody uses them.
If I had any talent as a scriptwriter, I'd do a treatment of Eugene Jacques Bullard (#1 on my top 5 list of men I aspire to be like).

Tarantino makes the kind of ridiculous, exploitative nonsense I enjoy the most.

What's Queen of Katwe?

I saw Django, but to that's because to me that film plays as more of a western than a "slave movie".
Honestly, I'm just kinda bored with historical dramas starring Black Americans because they all seem to be set in the same 3 places/time periods (antebellum South, 1930's/40's Harlem, Civil Rights Era South).

I just cannot bring myself to care about seeing another slave movie, especially one where I know the whole story already.
Hit me up when they make a movie about Robert Smalls.

I get that, and I really do appreciate the fact that there's a more diverse roster of characters than when I started reading comics. It's just that Marvel's execution of some of this stuff is starting to rub me the wrong way.

They had something like that with We Are Robin, but that series only lasted 12 issues.

The same way a good story can be wasted on lackluster characters, good characters can be wasted on a boring story. You see it in movies like Only God Forgives or The Killing of a Chinese Bookie. Individual characters have nuances and go through interesting character/emotional arcs; taken in isolation, they're fine.

They're letting Sam cook now, but I can't fully buy into it because I'm positive that as soon as the higher ups at Marvel sort out what they want to do with Steve Rogers, Wilson will go back to being a designated side character.
But who else is there? The little girl from Moongirl & Devil Dinosaur? Miles Morales? (And

All hail Luke Cage, Marvel Comic's only relevant, capital B-Black American character!

Truth: Red, White & Black was also a pretty good look at what the Tuskeegee experiment would look like in a world of superheroes.

I legit thought I was the only one who remembered this song.

Jessica Jones' greatest sin was having an eye-gougingly boring and tedious story, not a lack of interesting characters.

Nothing but raw Shea butter, coconut oil, and drinking lots of water.

I no longer have these problems; I ain't been ashy since the winter of 2005.

The most poignant part of the episode was when that reporter straight up told Paperboi "play your role. People want you to be the a z z hole". Not expect, want. Paperboi is "the rapper"; the big, brooding, Black man with an air of menace. Society wants him to fit the mold.
That scene at the end makes me think Glover's

Wait, Scrotal Recall is getting another season? When and how? I thought that show was dead forever.