
I'll admit, I've become fascinated by White Greeks ever since I moved next to a PWI. Their ways just seem so bizarre and exotic.

Hol' up; what's Nate Parker got to do with anything?

So you……disagree with the article?

I'm kinda curious what other races call their Hoteps.

"The percentage of virgins in high school and college today is the highest measured, and the ones who have had $ex do it less frequently."
So….yay progress?

People don't want this level of honesty.

I've watched a bit of the soccer but, other than that, nah. Besides, it feels kind of perverse watching the spectacle of the Olympics while knowing just how fcuked Brazil is right now.

I'm not particularly close to most of my family so- typically- I don't get invited to weddings or told when one of my aunts/uncles dies.

I have nothing to do with any of this!

Yooo. I feel like my third eye was just opened.

I don't think that counts.

Okay, where are you going with this?

No, because Goofy has opposable thumbs.

I haven't been to church in, like, 10 years. I have no idea what's going on there.

Wwwwhhhhoooooaaaa! That is big news!

It's just not something that's ever come up! Don't judge me!

"Keeping time" as in stroking in time to the baseline on "Comin' to Break You Off".

I suppose it might be useful for keeping time, but does it really add anything to the experience, though?

It just occurred to me; I've never smashed to music.
Also, I've bit thrown off by seeing "Acid Raid" on here. That's not "get-the-cheeks" music; that's "stare pensively out into the night as you reminisce on your dead friends and contemplate your own mortality" music.

More than anything else, the new season means more Paul Pogba gifs