
These Town Hall meetings are complete wastes of time.

Maybe in Mexico, tacos are a regional thing and they don't really f*cks with them in that part of the country? Like fried oysters in the midwest.

IDK. Charlotte never felt like an actual "city" to me. More like this weird agglomeration of humanity that just sort of sits across the border from Rock Hill.

I've been to Atlanta, maybe, four times my entire life. I avoid the place as I've got a strange habit of almost dying every time I'm there.

More than anything else it's an indictment on them. I ask them;
"You're saying where are the 'anger and demonstrations'? Then why aren't you people organizing demonstrations; making PAC's; starting a hashtag campaign; doing anything to address the issue? It's because you don't care about a working class White kid

I remember last year I was telling my coworkers that police were out here killing White boys and getting away clean. They gon' learn that anybody can get it.

There are plenty of cases where majority minority forces act just like any other police, right.
But in those situations, is that a matter of implicit anti-POC bias or more about the increasing militarization of police?

But if police culture is directed and dictated by a core group of officers that have a bias against Black people, then- in theory- having a substantial amount of Black voices in the organization- influencing training and organizational culture- would be an effective way to counteract or minimize that institutional

That's the thing with workplace culture; it's not going to change to fit you, you've got to change to fit it. And people don't like going out on a limb by themselves. I think that's where the "more ____ people should join the ____" arguments come in. If we have numbers, we'll have support within the organization when

But one could argue that that recording is an example of why it would be a good thing to have more POC's in the police force. If we had more Birch's and less Tsachas' working the job then the culture of the organization could change and the outrages could be reduced.

"Papi, no soy negra".

To me it seems less like a case of Black people skeptical of BLM playing respectability politics, and them looking at the movement and seeing a bunch of sound and fury, signifying nothing. It's the same problem a lot of people had with Occupy Wallstreet; there're no clear leaders, no unified platform, no clear policy

You know people start getting nervous when too many of us get together.

It's funny how BLM is considered so dangerous and "divisive" even though it stands for nothing more than accountable government institutions & citizens being treated like citizens.

Dumpster fire in Rio? Are we talking about the Petrobras scandal or the fact that the police in Rio de Janeiro state have killed 967 people between Jan. 2015 and May 2016 while "pacifying" the city for the Olympics?

Having observed this whole thing with Future and Ciara, it seems that everything comes down to Future feeling some type of way because his ex upgraded. She's with a guy that's probably got more money, is arguably more famous, is definitely in better shape, and who is apparently a more respectable person than he is.

I agree that it's not realistic or fair to project my own mentality or "how I would/did act" on young people. I'm still going to do it, though.
I can't bring myself to meet people as they are if I don't respect them or the choices that they make.

Oh boo-f*cking-hoo. She's feeling pressure at school? Drop out, take some time to get your head together and give it another go. It's not exactly life or death.
Age isn't an excuse. At nineteen, none of us is completely mature, but you're not a child. We're just infantilizing people by telling them that their youth


I'm sorry, but 19 is still old enough to know that the world doesn't revolve around you and that you should consider the feelings of your loved ones.