
Well, to be honest…BLM did hijack the moment for a little while.

I've been a fan of Charlemagne since High School, when he was on Hot 103.9 in Columbia, SC. That said, he does talk a lot of sh*t, but I can roll with it because he doesn't seem to take himself too seriously.

It gives off chills, especially when you learn the context behind it.

Forget about having allies. Everybody just wants to stick to their lane.

I don't know. Beyond the more fact that men are more frequent victims of police homicide (homicide in general), it could it be a result of the patriarchal bent in society. I would guess that, generally speaking, unless its an area of violence that society has linked specifically to women (i.e. chexual assault,

This was bound to happen.

Could be plain cynicism. If you spend all your time expecting people to live down to your expectations, it's hard to get upset when they prove you right.

You never know; maybe disassociating themselves from it is a coping mechanism for them. You know it's a lie, but that lie helps you keep going.

White people don't even care about White people getting murdered by the police.

We are no more immune to classism and elitism than any other group in this country.

They bought into the lie; the same as a lot of other people (including some of us).

I'm an adult, but how it effected me growing was; I'm afraid of the police. I don't live in constant fear but every time I see a cop, I get on edge. I make sure to smile and be friendly; meanwhile my eyes will instinctively go to their gun- just to be sure that they're not making any sudden movements. I feel- and I

NRA; you say you're for the rights of legal gun owners. You say you're against the militarization of the police. Are you going to issue a press release? Go on Fox News and rail against the injustice of a legal gun owner being murdered by overzealous agents of the state? Or would that be too "problematic" for your

Best way to get away with murder? Be a cop.

If we're really friends, our relationship should be strong enough to survive us becoming eskimo brothers- or maybe that's just me and my friends.

A good thing about my generation; natural hair is in style. Old people have stopped telling me that my locs are "unprofessional" and I can look down my nose at all the Johnny-come-lately's as I gently remind them that "I was doing it before it was cool".

Which should tell you a little bit about where I live.

What's wrong with it though? Seriously, beyond saying "it's just not done".

People ~27+ want to distance themselves from 20/21 y/olds so bad.
But they're not like us!!!! (clutching mama's pearls).

When I really think about it, I'm not certain I've ever actually "dated".