
I'll be bookmarking this article. It'll be useful reference when the Green family curse finally comes for me.

I think the thing that's really pissing people off re: Bellamy is that it doesn't seem like he's sorry for any of the things that he did. He's sorry that Octavia hates him; he's sorry that Lincoln got killed; he's sorry that the situation got so far out of control; but he doesn't seem particularly sorry about the role

"She is related to the aborigines in Australia."

It all comes down to the social stigma against "ghetto" names (i.e. that are recognizably Black). My mom named me "Julian Spencer" specifically because she didn't want anyone to know I was Black just from my name when I applied for jobs or colleges in the future. It might sound silly, but it's a salient concern for

How are they not????

Silly rabbit; there are no rules.

Episodes like this are why I enjoy Fresh off the Boat. As a Black person, I'm familiar with the struggle of choosing a name but I've never thought about how other minorities would deal with this issue. It's cool to see another POV on this.

Yep. You really love asking stupid questions, don't you?

Didn't you hear about the Paris Attacks?

Now, why in the world would I do that? That's not going to help me.

"Make amends"? For what? Besides, France looks to be doing okay; they've got the Grand Mosque going up in Paris. Everything's cool.

Bruh, you're talking to the wrong person if you want somebody that cares about morals.

White people did it.

My n*gga, there's no such thing as "earned" discrimination.

Why is that, sweet pea?

"It's a reason why white appears in quotations, because I was denoting
how it is generally referred to, meaning white college versus black
college….Becky could be interrupted as numerous things."

Whoa, now. Who said I was blaming rap and guns for anything? I happen to really enjoy rap and guns. Of course I'd complain about being banned from having a gun.

Well, there was here:

I don't know….enough to make old White women uncomfortable?

"How do you explain Iceland having nearly no crime and Chicago hitting their quota early this year?"