
Really? Your lionization of Whiteness mostly sounds reactive, but whatever. If it gets you through the night and makes you feel good about yourself, have at it.

"And that excuses it to you?"
It's a shame, but what are you gonna do? People die every day.

"When I say black women, I obviously don't mean 100% of them…"

Meh. S h i t happens.

You know they're called Zimbabwe and the DR Congo now, right? And if your surname ends in a vowel, chances are my ancestors were here before yours. Just sayin'.

Since when was this a White country? We've been here longer than most White people.

Oh, don't get your panties in a bunch, kid; you don't have to get all defensive about your preferences. That's your cross to bear; it's not that important to me.

Because why the fuck not?

Nah. I'm good, thanks.

Hey, tell me how you deserve a big hand for overthrowing Haiti and massacring all the whites.

What nonwhite country makes laws to disadvantage our own in favor of a group that is increasingly open about not assimilating, or even obeying the laws, but wanting the rights and privileges therefrom without said responsibilities? Who puts up with as many riots in the streets from ingrate non-self?

And, as expected, you completely glossed over the part in my 3rd paragraph where I wrote, "going by your reasoning". All I did was follow you down the rabbit hole, sweet pea; you're not laughing at me. You're laughing at yourself.

Hah! Get back to me when BLM starts with the Gran American Tradition of bombings, targeted assassinations, lynchings and voter suppression. They'll be a legit hate group then.

Yes, you generously "let" us stay in a county (founded on land that you stole) after first forcing us here against our will, then- after emancipation- stripping us of most of our political and civil rights for the next hundred or so years.

You do realize every single supposition you made against Black women can just as easily be leveled against Black men, right? You mention that "Black women are at the bottom of many categories that are indicative of quality of life. Too many to list, look them up." Well, I did that.

That's a very elitist stance you're taking Anny. BLM is a hate group? Based on what, exactly? And please, no generalized statements; give me actual incidents. I'm curious.

Wouldn't it be nicer if we could all just refer to the american population as "americans" and leave it at that?

Meh. Interpretations vary; your take is as valid as anybody else's.

Oh, I got the references if by references you mean garbled, half-formed allusions to communism and the Marquis de Lafayette (it would have been more apropos to throw out Marat or Georges Danton if you were going to draw the whole "red parallel" thing). It's just that none of what you said formed a coherent point.

Absolutely nothing you just said made any sense.