
You realize you're getting upset over absolutely nothing, right?

I haven't listened to Twenty88, but I bet you $1.29 that Jhene Aiko is the one making that tape hot.

You remember the scene where Becca landed on Earth and started injecting all the people on the ground with those vials of black liquid (I don't remember if they ever said what that stuff was; nanobots maybe)? I'm guessing that the nightblood is some sort of recessive trait that's worked its way into the Grounder

Ah, Murphy. You just can't help getting involved with dangerous broads, can you?

There is precedent for the Grounder's succession system. For example, in their early period, the Ottoman Empire practiced open succession (i.e. the "fittest" not necessarily the eldest son got to be sultan). Wars between rival sons or other male relatives of the deceased sultan happened relatively frequently.

Hopefully this change will fulfill my wish for Captain Boomerang to be an unrestrained ball of Australian stereotypes.

Out of curiosity, to what "hard truths" are you referring?

"…get over it.."

Dating White women?

It's a very fucked up way to think about things.

I don't by this prank line that's being peddled. Nick Young and D'Angelo Russell must have had beef. There's no way he didn't know what he was doing.

I think everyone can agree that cheating is wrong, no matter who does it. However, the consequences of cheating- whether real or imagined- for women are much more intense. Why? I don't know; but I have an idea, at least from the perspective of men.

Man, you're talking to the OG Bhris Breezy hater; I was doing this before it got trendy.
Seriously, though; the guy is ridiculous. What makes it worse is that I know more about him than I want to because I went to school with two people that actually knew him from before he got famous.

COTT, the fact that you're self-aware enough to admit a perceived flaw means you're two steps ahead of most of us out here.
On another note; all the discussion on this page made me try to find some info on the people involved. Apparently Kehlani's dad died when she was really young and her mom has spent most of her

I'm a casual fan of Kehlani and I'm also kind of thrown off by her use of the n-word. I just sort of assumed she was Hispanic based on her looks and I know she's from Oakland. Do Latinos in California even say n*gga like that?

Hey, I never said it was a good comparison. Saudia Arabia is that guy in my neighborhood that's shot several people- including innocent bystanders- but is like, "yo, that's messed up bruh-bruh" when the cops kill someone.
They're not wrong in their condemnation of the act and they're not wrong in identifying with the

It gets worse when you realize that it's not just Saudia Arabia; it's practically every monarchy in the Persian Gulf.
While I think the Saudi's are at the more extreme end of the spectrum, the human rights records in nations from Bahrain to Oman range from "troubling" to "Imagine the most horrible thing you can think

No Tacks. Chris Brown is always wrong. Why? Because he's a man that started claiming a gang in his 20's. Somebody like is never allowed to be right about anything. ANYTHING!!!

To be fair, the Al-Saud family is Charlie in the sense that Al-Qaeda and ISIS an'em want to kill them all.

I didn't see Frontline, but I read The Guardian pretty regularly and they have good reporting on the things going on in Saudi Arabia. I've learned a whole bunch of stuff I really wish I could un-know.