
I think Russell just don't like Nick Young, but doesn't think he could see Swaggy P in a fight and/or doesn't want a fine or suspension if they were to throw hands. So videotaping Young self-snitching was his solution.
Real talk, I think this was an act of revenge. Young did something to Russell, because that video

I think we're in the position where we're young enough to familiar with/comfortable with the technology, yet old enough to still be paranoid about it. I was most of the way through High School before Facebook became a thing and I remember that- at the time- everyone thought only weirdo's and scammers lived on the

You know D'Angelo was just lurking in the cut for months, rubbing his hands like Birdman Sandusky, just waiting for an opportunity.

It's cool to say the most reckless s h I t on Twitter…right up until somebody's in the hospital. Then it's all positive messages and "get well soon". If nothing else, social media is great at revealing everyone's inner sociopath.

If I remember correctly, "Watch for the Hook" was my introduction to the Dungeon Family. I was about 10 years old at the time and I remember coming home from school to watch Rap City: The Basement and seeing this sprawling video with a hundred rappers on it acting out scenes to some movie I wouldn't see for another

1. Some slave masters loved their slaves. How else can you explain all the biracial children?

You don't have to tell that to me, lol. But there are some men out there that are honestly not that bothered by it.

It's not a matter of not knowing we have bad friends- those of us who have friends who are horrible people are aware that they're horrible people- it's just that we have no reason to think they'll be horrible to us until something happens.

Everybody's got different thresholds. I'd cut off a friend for trying to snake my girlfriend- probably throw some hands too.
But some men aren't going to cut off a friend for hitting on their girl because, honestly, they're not that bothered by it; the thinking is you can always get another woman but it's harder to

He's got that, "I just ate all the chicken in the fridge and I'm going to play dumb and act like it wasn't me" look.

Bit of both, really.

You're more progressive than me and my circle. If anybody was to violate like that, they're getting the hands.

It's more than a number; it's a felony.

Yeah, male relationships are kind of a weird. I think part of the reason why we tend not to expect duplicity from our obviously untrustworthy friends is because I think men are socialized to think that that type of betrayal is a feminine thing. Like, if another man is going to do you dirty, they'll do it to your face

Yeah, but you expect your scumbag friends to try to smash other people's girls, not yours.

I'm not a lady, but; no. No they don't want to know.
Because then it suddenly becomes a question of what I was doing all alone in Baynes Hall with her homegurl who she has explicitly told me, several times, is a low-key h*e and had been standing a little too close to me A&W in the student union.

(after getting caught in a lie) "Okay. You deserve to know the truth."
"But if you really think about it…"
"Can I tell my side of it now?"
"Well, as a woman…"
"It's just in a man's nature to…"
"Do I ever get in your business like that?"
"Why you asking all these questions?"
"You knew who I was when

Beyond the whole shaming people into doing something aspect, you know what really annoys me about that argument? It's the idea that I should do something just because I can.
What's the point in voting just to vote? If I'm not invested in the candidates; if I don't believe anyone is going to do what they say they're

I would be like that, but I'm not bold enough to tell mama or Auntie Karen to shut up and quit bothering me about voting. I neither want nor need those problems.

I don't have these problems. I haven't regularly used my FB page since I was 17. It basically just exists so I can have a quick way to log on to Disqus.