
I can't really see this happening, if for no other reason than the 2 major parties already have such a stranglehold on the organs of power in this country. How would a 3rd party even get a look-in in our electoral college system?

You could always just do what I did in the last election. I wasn't really invested in anybody's campaign, but I didn't want to have to listen to people b I t c h to me about not voting; so I ended up supporting Gary Johnson.
Voting for a 3rd party candidate is essentially the same thing as not voting, plus you get the

Well, too bad, because you don't get one.
Seriously, though, how much does "Black cred" actually matter to these people beyond the election cycle?

I have to admit, there's something arresting about seeing Ben Carson in that photo. Like watching a single fly drowning in a cup of buttermilk.


Do you think him being Mexican has anything to do with level of awareness of White privilege?

The key is to never get caught slippin'.

To paraphrase Desus Nice, "Cardi B looks like the Bronx sounds."

I used to hate Black History month because every year in school, we would only ever talk about the same 4 people.

Okay, let me ask you a question.

Friend, you're the only one in this conversation who's purporting to have "facts". I'm not misrepresenting your words; you're just failing to make coherent points.

Frank Lucas; proof that there's nothing as sociopathic as an old a s s Black man from North Carolina.

Bruh, if you think Damon Young is making much ado about nothing, fine; that's your opinion. What I take exception to is your implication that- as Black people- we only have the capacity to focus on one thing at a time. Our devoting a few minutes of our time to noting and criticizing the words of Wendy Bell does not,

Never change, WoodRocket!

Cupid was an annoying character in the comics and she's annoying on the show. At least her character's consistent.

Bruh-bruh; we're all adults here. We're smart enough to know that we're reading one man's perspective- with all of his inherent biases and foibles. Demanding absolute objectivity is just ridiculous.

Yeah, that's not an answer to my question. I don't take issue with your choice to mock Damon Young for writing this article- if you think it's petty and small-minded, fine. That's your opinion.

So…whenever someone finds something objectionable, they're just supposed to keep it to themselves?

Excellent display of whataboutery, sir! You deserve a cookie.

Okay but, beyond mockery, what actual price can you level on somebody for something like this?