
I used to do it to, but that was when I was young and plotting on how I could smash Kim from 6th period computer class. If you file taxes, you're not allowed to walk around the hood with your shirt off.

Wait. People actually do this?

Expansion on #10: Just walking around outside with no shirt on, in general.
Yes, I know summertime in the South is hotter than Lucifer's taint after watching a Skin Diamond video, but there is no reason for you to be walking down the street bare-chested and using your shirt as a scarf. The wife-beater is supposed to

My mom put me on the Apple Cider Vinegar and cinnamon drink thing- she uses it for her high blood pressure. I've found a loophole where I can still eat a lot of rice and be mostly healthy; Indian food. Just the vegetable stuff though, no meat.

I had my 1st health screening for my new job's Wellness program last week. I got told that I was a literally 1 point away from having hypertension; I was like, "But I'm 26!?!"
I have the opposite problem to Shamira. I've spent the past couple of years finding healthy foods that I enjoy eating, so cutting out the junk

I definitely get that. That one incident I described was the only time I could recall my friend ever using the n-word so it's not like anybody ever felt the need to check him.

White Mike Stories? I got one!
So back when we were all in undergrad at North Carolina Central University (Eagle Pride, Amplified) WM and his girlfriend- now baby mama (who is Peak Black; they're still together)- they're chilling with the rest of the clique. So she starts asking all the guys in the room, "under what

I seent the same thing happen, except my boy was Filipino. He grew up in the middle of Iowa though, so I think that still counts.

I have one really good White friend, and I tend to forget that he's a White person and will start talking to him like he's a Black person. Typically, this involves me calling him a n*gga. Like, a lot. It's an accurate description, though.

Ha! Called it!

Okay, I need to know; why the fuck do people love Jimmy Darmody so much? Don't get me wrong, he was a good character but far the from the most interesting thing about Boardwalk Empire.

Maybe this is only my view of the show, but I was under the impression that Ava was angling for a way to get Dixon removed ever since he didn't back the free breakfast program. Ava's never tried to hide the fact that she's got an agenda. Her "advice" to him to admit his bias was, in my opinion, a setup.

Re: the Marshall storyline.

I stopped giving a fuck about Hey Arnold years ago, but now that there's going to be an actual conclusion to the series, I already know that I am going to watch the shit out of this movie.

To be honest, I really don't know what to think about the whole Tinder thing just yet.
What's getting to me is that people keep making Tinder sound both great and horrible at the same damn time. I get that it's an extremely shallow way to meet people, but I just moved to a new city where I don't know anybody and I

Yes. Yes it does.

I got on Tinder for the 1st time about 2 weeks ago and I already think I'm doing it wrong.

I've been #TeamDred for about 11 years and haven't been in a barbershop for about that long, but I don't remember them being that bad.

A literature get-together or an event night at a museum are the types of things I go to, but I sort of get why other men don't. If you're genuinely not interested in what's happening at one of these events, even if there's a mob of young, single ladies there getting their Zora Neale Hurston on, you're going to get

In the words of Winston Bogarde, "This Negro Bows For No One".