
I'll give you Stephen Colbert's but Animal Farm wasn't "ingenious". It was tedious and pedantic, like most of Orwell's writings.

While I think that, ultimately, Lexa's decision will be vindicated, I have a sinking suspicion that she herself isn't going to survive this step. But I don't think Arkadia is the one that will bring her down; it'll be a Grounder and it will be someone close to her. Indra's about as loyal to Lexa as any character on

I can buy hmf418's explanation for them getting more guns and ammo from Mt. Weather, but do they really have more men? If so, where did they come from? Farm Station didn't have that many people.

Also; how fast can Arkadia produce bullets? Logically, they must have some way to make more, otherwise this expansion plan would be ridiculously stupid, but they clearly don't have the facilities to mass produce them. How are they planning to maintain any territory they take?

One thing that annoyed me about this episode was Indra comment of; "we can't beat them without guns," or something along those lines. Really? You can't be them now? What about last season when everybody in the Skaikru was all, "if we try to fight the whole grounder army, we'll lose."

I was extremely annoyed at Bellamy's heel turn, but this episode provided enough rationale for his actions so that I can somewhat buy it. However, going forward, I think that the writers are going to double down on the Grounderphobia and 1) make Bellamy less conflicted about what he's done, and 2) have his actions

I loved this show SO MUCH when I was a kid. It was like someone reached into my 12 year old brain and made a show specifically for me. It's fourteen years later and I still remember scenes from Fastlane. I was crushed when it, Futurama and Andy Richter Controls the Universe- which was the funniest show I had ever seen

Yeah, that's the thing about this show; if the plot alone isn't enough of a hook for you, then you're better off just not trying, imo. I'm not sure if you watched the first season, but it was a lot of the same stuff; relentlessly grim tone, lots of damaged/unlikable characters. Also, there was no real resolution to

I am an O.G. Chris Brown hater, but my first problem with him was always his music. To me, he epitomizes everything that's wrong with modern R&B. Tough guy posturing; singers who really want to be rappers; music that mistakes "salacious" for "sexy"; rampant misogyny; immature lyrics.

Oh, no, I've totally had drunk girls trying to molest me and it was always awkward but also kind of awesome. However, it quickly stops being fun when some dude tries to Deebo me for hunching up on his woman.

To be fair, a lot of Black people have also made that comparison; the difference is they were typically people I knew/worked with, not rando's at a club.
I don't think I look like 2Chainz. I'm dark skinned, kind of skinny, wear glasses and have long dredlocks, so I guess that's close enough?

The first time I heard "Downtown" was around two years ago. It immediately made me think;
"Wow. My generation has no clue about what makes a song sexy."

On the rare occasions I'm at a bar/club I'm usually too drunk myself to notice; also, drunk women can be extremely annoying sometimes.
A drunk White girl is always trying to run her hands through my dreds or shouting "2-CHHHHAAAIIINNNZZZ!!!" at me. Also, I've had a couple of instances where n*gga's wanted to fight me

It occurs to me that I've never bought a drink for a woman. The closest I think I've ever come to doing that is that time in college when I drove this girl to a gas station and got her a couple of cans of 4Loko. And I was using her money, so it doesn't really count.
Oddly enough, that also happened in Durham,

Whoa, whoa, whoa buddy! You're saying that like Ironman and Only Built 4 Cuban Linx don't exist.

I really like how the show is framing Julia's struggles with magic as an analogy for substance abuse. I'm not a book reader, so I don't know if they went down this route there, but it's definitely a take on the "you're a wizard" thing I haven't seen before.

Ahhhh. Yeah, I can totally see that happening.

I really hope there's some more context to these statements that I'm just not hearing, because otherwise…

When your pastor is also your girl's father and you decided to smash at her house because it's Thursday and your mom isn't on schedule to work the closing shift at K-Mart.

To answer your questions:
1) The show is supposed to take place in the area somewhere around Washington D.C. The real-life Mt. Weather is the center of operations for FEMA and is located in the Blue Ridge Mountains in Virginia, so it's about 50-60 miles from D.C. itself. I'm not from the DMV; I've got no idea where