
The last movie I cried at?
Hardball. I see G Baby get shot and I start crying them Grown Man tears.

My only hope re: Bellamy is that he's planning on killing Pike himself, thus eliminating a dangerous element to Arkadia and freeing Abby and Kane from any hint of wrongdoing. Even then, I'd be shaking my head and muttering about how stupid and unnecessary that plan would be.

The more I think about Pike/Bellamy development, the worse it gets. I mean, I get Pike and the Farm Station people; they're basically in the same frame of mind that the rest of the Skaikru were at the beginning of the 2nd season. How they're acting at least makes some sense.
What makes no gotdamn sense at all is how li

I see what you're getting at, but I have to disagree re: Clarke and Lexa. Given how devastated Clarke was at the end of last season, as well as how viscerally angry she was when she first meets Lexa this season, I'm having a hard time believing that they'd be this comfortable around each other.

I've got a problem with the whole idea of the "true hip-hop fan" in the first place.

I was really underwhelmed by Village Party

The writers must really want to get to something in the plot, because they are really blowing through the story. The pacing is really causing some problems for me. I know people are gushing over Clarke and Lexa being back together, but I don't buy that they'd be this intimate, this soon. Given how ugly their

It's becoming increasingly clear that the storyline taking place at the poor High School should really be it's own series. We're six episodes into this story and the events going on at Marshall haven't had any significant impact on the main story. That's a shame because a potentially engaging story is just being left

Well, by the time he turned around and noticed those guys getting out of the car Taylor was already past the sidewalk and into the parking lot. I'm guessing that means he was probably around thirty feet from the street; plus, those players were fanning out, so even if he had started back the way he came, he probably

Honestly, you can apply that sentiment to ALL comic book characters. Comic book fans are the worst- and I say that as a fanboy myself.

I am not, nor have I ever really been, a Superman fan. Even as a kid, I was way too cynical to get into the character. However, as a comic book nerd, it seems to me that Superman works best when writers embrace zaniness. Have Clark Kent remain a paragon of homespun virtue, but have in adventures where he faces Silver

What was the point of giving Bellamy a girlfriend if they were just going to blow her up three episodes into the new season? That wasn't enough to kick the episode down to a B-, but it definitely had me rolling my eyes.

I feel you, but in the opposite way. I felt like I was too much of a nerd to listen to Jeezy or Gucci. But when I hear Denzel Curry spit bars like:

I stopped listening to the radio in the 10th grade. What throws me off about all this is that I can see the influence of artists that I used to find while trawling the dark corners of the internet have had on popular rap music.
The thing is, I'm not mad at the trap-weirdo's; I'm just in awe at how much the genre has

In 2002, twelve year old Julian thought the Hip-Hop Dalmatians was the dumbest idea ever. Now, in 2016 where rappers un-ironically call themselves things like "Young Thug", "Lil' Uzi Vert", "Key!" and "Bricc Baby Sh*tro", I think….the Dalmatian thing could work.

Wait…since Peyton had sex with Blaine, doesn't this mean that she's got a better than good chance of turning into a zombie?

You're a man of the world, Todd. I just moved to a new city and am considering online dating. You got any advice to lay on a young brother?

What gets me about the pubic hair thing is the guy said "…she stopped grooming, I guess…" like he just woke up one day and was like, "She got the snappy-nappy-dugout?!! When did this happen?"
That's not the type of thing that should sneak up on you.

I'm not too bothered by some of the rushed plots; it's still early in the season and the show has enough interesting elements to keep the attention. The one exception I have is Alice. This episode started to make me dislike her. I should have seen this coming; SyFy original shows that I otherwise like, usually have

Nah, nah. It's like that one scene from Don't Be a Menace to South Central While Drinking Your Juice in the Hood, stretched out over 45 minutes to an hour. I never though that qualified as singing.