
Can't say I've ever given much thought to this subject. All of my mixed-race friends self-identify as Black so I suppose I just assumed that that was the norm. On reflection, it would make sense that there would be pressures mixed women would have to deal with that mixed men wouldn't.

I haven't been to church in a good minute, but I remember the pastors from when I was younger. From what I remember, none of them could really "sing".
Instead, they'd do that thing where you sort of talk while stretching out syllables and slightly slurring words while harmonizing their voices. Is there an actual name

That seems like a fairly large "if" though, right? I mean, the whole plan CoL scheme seems to rely on people wanting to give up their will to an inhuman…thing. I've come to expect fictional AI's to be a bit more circumspect than that.
She's got to have some way of forcing herself on people, right?

That's not Jody….that's Captain Charles Vane!

Nope. I just couldn't buy that these two people would be attracted to each other. Honestly, I thought Clarke displayed more genuine chemistry with Trading Post girl than she had with Lexa.

Really? I was against that pairing last season because I felt like those characters had zero romantic chemistry. I really hope their relationship works better now that they're antagonists.

I think the writers' choice not to over-explain the politics behind the Grounder Coalition was a good choice. I enjoy it when shows take some time to world build, but it can be really easy for a story to get bogged down while trying to fill in the little details.

Kurtwood Smith.
Personally, if that was my name, I would just go with Red Forman.

I'm going to remember this story the next time I feel too scared to take a chance on something.


I don't really like the idea of criticizing people based on how they choose to self-identify. As long as they're not treating Blackness as a negative, then it's whatever.
All of the mixed folk I know are incredibly eager to claim Team Black.

Huh; so I guess I'm a negative 1.8. Does this mean I have to retire my sandals and wooden necklaces?

A fcukbwoy is the type of dude that will act like he is whatever he thinks a woman wants, up until he can smash her in the back of an Acura Legend, right before going home and texting his ex- and be like, "hey girl, w'sup? You want to do something sometime"; not because he actually wants to get back together with her,

Blasphemy! Farscape is the greatest sci-fi TV show of all time.
Seriously, with the way people like to fellate a mediocre show like Firefly, it's a crime that so few people talk about Farscape.

…Wouldn't it just be easier to find somebody who doesn't lie?
Or at least find somebody who's enough of a sociopath that you'll never know they're lying until after they spend all your money and steal your Farscape: Season 2 box set, MONIQUE!!!.

Any girl born into the Martin family is probably going to be mean with the knives, but we're not big people. If any of those girls gets into an altercation with a man, she's going to be at a serious disadvantage.

I get that playing the knockout game with middle schoolers isn't an actual solution to anything, but I'm really at a loss when it comes to stuff like this. I feel like I know what to say to young boys when they encounter a dangerous situation, because I've been there but I have no idea what to say to a girl.
How would

I've got five nieces; the idea that any of them could grow up and have this happen to them makes me want to go out an punch the first boy that looks at them sideways.

But it wasn't entertaining!

Good premiere; it got me excited for the rest of the season. I can't believe I'm saying this, but Murphy is quickly becoming one of my favorite characters on the show. It was a great move by the writers to pair him up with Jaha; it's one of the best examples I've seen of the old spiritual/cynic duo on TV.