
Jessica Jones would have been a lot better if it had been about three episodes shorter, imo.

Easy. Josh from the US version of Being Human. He is suuuuchh a pussy about everything!

It seems like Black writers and audiences are in love with same broad archetypes and tropes we've been putting in our media since the 1970's.

I'm seeing "The Revenant" this weekend. If that movie is even half as good as I've heard, di Caprio is getting that Oscar.

I don't think the issue is needing more creators of color. From my perspective, the real hurdle is getting those creators access to the resources they need to put their ideas on screen/page/whatever.

Bruh, jollof rice is delicious.
But, yeah. Everybody, whether or not they're in a "creative" field, enjoys having their work validated by their peers. I work as a city planner; I'm not even in a field that hands out awards all that often but trust, if the APA or AICP were handing out awards I'd damn sure like to win

If I haven't introduced a woman to my female friends within two weeks of us going out, she's never meeting them. Obviously our "relationship" is not long for this world and I'd rather not get clowned for bringing "that skinny, big-headed b*tch" around.

I listened to the song and…nope, Kanye is still doing the same annoying bullsh*t he always does. He should've just given that beat to Kendrick and Isaiah Rashad.

Oh my fucking G-……..what the hell is even going on anymore?!

Was NOT expecting to see Me-Mow!

It’s alarming that Carl has found this self-assurance by effectively embracing what Frank refers to as the “family business.”

I've just never seen royalty as being something positive. True, it's a title that's invested with respect, but that respect is based on heredity, not merit. I find the thought of it kind of insulting.

I believe it was Vic. No one can tell me any different.

I've watched both seasons of this show. The first one was a mostly coherent espionage story, but most of my enjoyment of the second season came from seeing the writers just giving up 3 episodes in and filling the rest of the show with bizarre shifts in tone and character motivation.

The fuck? Turn is getting another season?

"JUST MAYBE being called a queen takes my spirit to a place where picking cotton ain't the only place my excellence has ascended from."
This sentiment right here is one of the reasons why I, personally, have never been on board with the King/Queen stuff. I'm not bothered by the facts of what my ancestors were. I can

Also, people tend to seriously underestimate the sophistication and development of the civilizations in West and Central Africa. The kingdoms of Benin, Ghana, Dahomey, Kongo and others weren't just petty kingdoms of mud huts; they were advanced civilizations.

I don't even like it as a term of endearment. Somebody calling me "King" is never not going to sound pretentious or fake to me. I'm not going to get mad or super offended if somebody does it, but it really does annoy me.

I'm convinced people always want to claim Egypt because they've never heard of any of the civilizations in West Africa, and they're too lazy to do research. It's highly annoying.

My dislike for the practice of calling other Black people "King" and "Queen" is down to the fact that it just sounds so. Damn. Needy.
I understand the rationale behind it, but to me, it's always sounded like a very disingenuous way to build self esteem. It's like you're shouting to the world, "I don't recognize my own