
Also, "Slim Jesus"? Homie is obviously biting his rap name from SLUG + CHRIST.

Meh. It was bound to happen eventually.

Cleveland is never not depressing.

Nah. I started growing dreadlocks when I was 15 and just decided to go full Nazarene. Beard, wooden necklaces, raw shea butter, Coptic tattoos; you know the type.

It just occured to me….I haven't been inside a barber shop in over a year! I haven't had an actual haircut in almost eleven years! Time really flies when you're not spending $20 on shape-ups every week and a half.

That's a pretty interesting POV; I'd certainly hadn't thought of it like that. Personally, I never saw the character of Huey Freeman as having a negative view of Black culture; more that he had a very cynical view towards particular aspects of Black thought that were promoted or propagated by the media/youth culture.

Huey Freeman = Uncle Ruckus? I'mma need to hear some explanation for that one.

For me, the first time it happened, it was a culture shock. My parents split up when I was in the 3rd grade. Up until that point I'd lived in predominately White, upper-middle class neighborhoods and went to schools where I was damn near the only Black kid.

I can understand that being the reason why mainstream America disparages "Black" names, but why do Black people instinctively do this too? I'm including myself in this; my cousin named one of her daughters Dasani and my first reaction was to shake my head and mutter n*ggas…

Why is there a picture of Prince up there? He doesn't look down on Black people.

I went to predominantly Black schools from about 3rd grade on. I got teased at times, but I never really got bullied because I was always quick to fight people. I think it's just that, depending on what kind of environment you grow up in, certain behaviors are seen as being "soft" and so you have to do stuff to prove

I was just thinking about this; why, exactly, are Afro-American names something to be ashamed of?

Only with the girls. Otherwise, not so much.

I got teased for "talking white" and being in the advanced class, but I think that had more to do with me being a very socially awkward child. Once I got older and more comfortable talking to people, I stopped having those problems.

Several jurors stated after the case that they thought OJ was guilty, they just didn't think the prosecution had done a good enough job proving their case. Plus, Simpson was found responsible for the wrongful deaths of Nicole Brown and Ronald Goldman in a civil suit afterwards, so I really don't see much difference

What do you expect? "Cosby's not a rapist!" is the new "OJ didn't do it!"

I don't know which personal pronouns to use, so I'm just going to refer to the character as a "her" because B.D. Wong was wearing a dress in the 1st appearance.

I took it to mean that White Rose is pursuing her own agenda that's not necessarily in league with the interests of the cabal.

Dreadlocks get moldy when you wash them too frequently. Black hair is kind of like a sponge so if you wash dreads before they've had time to fully dry out then they'll get that same mildewy smell a sponge gets when you use it repeatedly and don't wring it out.

I don't see how anyone could trust man with a South Florida dreads and 5 o'clock shadow combination. This n*gga needs to either commit to looking like a homeless person or don't bother!