
Dark Matter's start was iffy, but it ended up being a fun watch. Defiance…ugh, that ending; I don't know what the hell they were doing this past season. Haven't seen Killjoys or Humans but Mr. Robot has been great TV.

Really? I've only heard the song "Classic Man" and he was doing that sing-rap thing so I couldn't really tell. BTW, have you seen the video for that song? I kept thinking Jidenna looks like Domino Johnson from Cabin in the Sky.

"Miley, Bieber, Iggy, Mackrel. Are white people outright appropriating
black American culture or are black and white Americans just becoming
more alike?"

Jidenna's not a pop artist?

You watch the finale of Dark Matter?

I'll be the first to admit that I've never seen what's so special about Kanye West as an artist, but he seems an intelligent man who is very aware of his image and the position that he holds. He's a 38 year old multi-millionaire; at this point, I don't get why he isn't able to articulate his criticisms in any fashion

I Kanye deserves all of the hate he gets (from me, at least). It's not what he does; it's how he does it. If you go to a public forum, make an 8 minute speech and spend 5 of it not making any sense, then you deserve to get called a clown.

A few things:

So you're telling me that that one chick whose name I can't remember, from that one painfully uninteresting subplot that I hate is actually supposed to be significant?

This happened in my hometown!

How about….no.

I'm going to try to be optimistic about this. Maybe…just maybe…this is a sign that the police (in LA at least) are starting to be slower on the trigger. Perhaps mass media coverage of institutionalized police fukcery means that deadly force truly is becoming a last resort.

I'm partial to the Jiffy cornbread pancakes, myself.

I honestly think the main reason many people don't cop to being racist, even privately, is due to a weird sense of elitism. In talking to a lot of White people, I've gotten the impression that they generally a view of racists as low-class, low-born, and uneducated; like Dusty Rhodes (R.I.P). Whereas a racist- in their

I'm just saying- shameless racketeering and gross administrative incompetence aside- you gotta admire the sheer chutzpah it takes to do 27 months of Fed time, get out, go back to the city you defrauded and play kingmaker for your similarly named son.

As another person uninterested in seeing this movie, I feel you on most of these comments. I'll save my stanning for the Outkast biopic.

Can't let the Sharpe James and Kwame Kilpatrick's of the world live.

To be honest, the people most flabbergasted by my "unusual" musical choices have tended to be other Black folk. That's just me though.

I believe my childhood VHS copy of Little Nemo is still at my mom's house. This is one of those movies that I remember not much caring about the plot; I just adored looking at all of the stuff that was happening. There's so many great moments. Two of the best are King Morpheus and Nemo dicking around with his awesome

'Transitioning' is the generally used term, but occasionally the really bougie Black women say they're 'starting my natural hair journey'.