
Blasphemy! US1 is too ridiculous to be anything other than awesome.

Beloved was a damn good ghost story.

Wow. Wasn't expecting a grade that low for this episode. For me it was a definite B+. A bunch of the criticism in this and previous articles seems to be that this season is repeating stuff that was done on the previous show. I never watched the first season of TD so I don't have the same basis of comparison as most of

I heard FF was really good, but I never picked it up because I'm not a fan of Allred's art style. I'm not saying he's bad, it just isn't my thing.

The other day, my mom actually asked me if I'd had any trouble on the road getting to work because she had heard from somebody (who heard from somebody) that the KKK would be on the highway trying to force black drivers off the road. My mom's from a time where the Klan was still a thing you had to be concerned about.

This is random but your picture got me thinking: why has nobody made a No More Heroes comic adaptation?

I remember that when the New 52 came out, I was disappointed that some of the comics I liked were getting cancelled but also cautiously optimistic because some of the titles seemed really interesting and different from DC's usual fare.

There's some good stuff on here. Some of my personal favorites that I'd recommend.

They're right about Pym never being able to live down hitting the Wasp.

Joe, don't you know vaginas are magic?

Watching Jonathan Strange getting increasingly desperate and deranged has been both horrifying and wildly entertaining.

Oh fuck, they're actually doing White Canary?!?

Why did this happen?

I've gone past D.C. several times, but I've only been to the city once. I spent some of my summer vacation there when I was 13, going with my older cousin to visit an aunt I never knew I had. She lived in Friendship Heights, but for some reason we spent an inordinate amount of time in SE DC.

I don't understand that mindset at all. Lots of people spent most of my teens getting rejected (I'm the King of these people), but you don't let it turn you bitter and hateful. You lose twice if you do that.

When I say that Rachel is "comfortable" I more see it as her finding her own sadness agreeable. Watching the character, I get the impression that she feels that- on some level- she deserves to be miserable because of all the reprehensible things she does in her job AND in her personal life.

And for another week, everyone continues to be horrible…

I think it's pretty clear by this point; as much as she angsts about it, Rachel doesn't want to do the right thing. She's comfortable exactly where she is.

With each one of his antics, I'm reminded of why somebody wanted to shoot him nine times.

Wow…they are really shitting on Northern California in this show.