
Lobos is a boss; he doesn't have to hold his own phone. Chapo Guzman hasn't had to butter his own corn since 1993.

It's like Greg the Fed said; Angela doesn't take it well when she doesn't get her way.

What is Hamish's job, anyway?

In all seriousness, I'm in favor of suggestion #1. I fuckin' hate the dragons.

I am so totally in favor of this. Game of Thrones can always use more swarthy, funny-talking, sexually aggressive borderline psychopaths and their erotic murder games.

And they took the Confederate flag down from off the state house today; all these White Tears just feel soooo good on my skin!

I don't know what to tell you.

I don't quite understand the reviewer's consternation over the producers motivations in this episode. I thought everybody's actions made sense. Quinn and Chet have already demonstrated a severe lack of empathy towards the contestants; of course they'd be primarily concerned with finding a way to exploit Mary's suicide

I typically sit facing doors, but that's just because I'm kinda paranoid. I'd never known that it was proper etiquette to do so. That's pretty cool.

I've never heard about the back to the door thing.

Home training tells me that I'm also supposed to walk in front if we encounter a puddle of indeterminate depth; that way, my lady can hop on my back and I can carry her over.

I've got to disagree. Vince Vaughn's performance has really made me buy-in to the Frank Semyon character. The neo-noir setting seems to really suit him.

Dude, who cares?

I really hope Detective Rusk has a role next season. That character has been a great addition to the cast and I'd like to see his investigative style applied to the supernatural nonsense pervading London.

On the one hand I'm glad that they've finally given Dorian an actual place in the show. But, on the other hand, I'm more annoyed that the show wasted so much time having him orbiting the main cast, doing absolutely nothing of importance.

The whole time Lily and Dorian were doing their whole "waltz of blood" thing, I kept wondering "Geezus! it's going to take a long time to get the stains off of that floor!"

I'm not necessarily opposed to the idea of a song like 'IDFWU', I just hate that he combined butthurt lyrics with this sneering "I don't need you, b!tch" smugness. It's the smugness I can't stand.

If that's the case, then the compliment seems very backhanded. Richard Wright made nobody look good in 'Native Son' but the Communists were written like straight suckers. Was he going through some things with them?

Summertime '06 out here making gangsta rap scary again.

What is "mumblecore douche rap"?