
It's funny. Angela and Jamie are both massive assholes, yet I'm still rooting for them in the love-triangle. The first season did too good of a job making me dislike Tasha.

Glad they didn't have Vader job through this episode. One of the problems with the first season of the show was that many of the villains didn't have much menace to them.

I got a fever, and the only prescription is more Chilldermass.

We find out the whole story in one of the ATLA comics miniseries. What really happened is that when Ozai was preparing to kill Zuko, Ursa revealed that she knew how to craft an odorless, undetectable poison. While she is the one who makes the poison , Ozai's the one who actually administers it to his father.

Ozzie Nelson? Fire Lord Ozai from Avatar the Last Airbender was a much worse O dad.
Megalomaniac overlord of a militaristic empire bent on world domination; assassinated his own father to gain the throne; emotionally abusive to both of his children; publicly mutilated and disowned his only son for the "crime" of

Big-Daddy from Kick-Ass = the very worst dad.

I know the feeling. I moved up there to attend NIU and it really threw me off that everybody just assumed that I was either from Chicago or Rockford.

It is. White folk live out there too, but most of them hang out with the Blacks so much that everybody kind of blends in.

I don't want any trial he has to become some big media event. That's probably exactly what he wants; attention and validation. His trial needs to be as anonymous and meaningless as he is.

Now I'm hearing that this fool is from Eastover, SC. That's close to where I live; I work with some people who stay out there. It's frightening how easily this could have happened in Columbia.

I feel you.

I think, as far as heroin goes, there's heavy coverage but most of it is local/regional. When I was living in Illinois, there was a bunch of news about how heroin was affecting the Chicago suburbs. Oddly- or probably not oddly- most of those reports would imply that much of the problem was Chicago's fault. By

This was an act of terrorism. Bet that word won't be used though…

Rachel is fascinating to me.

I'm surprised this got a 2nd season. I watched the first couple of episodes of season 1 because I was interested in the premise. I didn't hate what I saw, but with Bassam as the main character the whole show was just "meh". The review is right; out of the 3 episodes I saw, Ashraf Barhom's over-the-top Uday Hussein

I'm put-off from using dating sites/apps because, in my mind, I still think of them as being tools for quick hook-ups. I know meeting someone from across a iPhone screen isn't necessarily more sleazy than meeting her at a Barnes & Noble, but still…

I never got into trying to holla at women online. It just always weird and uncomfortable.

I've gone my whole life without meeting a "Bob". The ideas of not just identifying with, but actively wanting to be another race/culture is just baffling to me. I've spent a lot of time admiring different cultures, but I can't recall ever wanting to permanently "become" another person.

Of course there is. We're a people with a unique history, culture and worldview; plus our presence has had an outsized influence on the other groups we've come in contact with.

They mentioned that the moors were in Devon. If so, they're probably referring to what's now known as Dartmoor National Park, which would be around 225 miles from London. The Great Western Railway that linked London with the southwest of England and with Wales was engineered by the awesomely named Isambard Kingdom