
My biggest question from this episode is about Lily. Where the hell did choking that guy out come from? Seeing her going into that pub, my first thought was that some echos from her previous life were coming back; she'd pick up a john and afterwards not be entirely sure why. Then murder happens. Does this mean that

I'm not sure why, but my favorite plot point from this episode was the fact that Ghost's organization just can't seem to find anybody to sell all that coke they've got.

Welcome back Defiance! So, of course, my feelings on the darkening of the tone of the show are the opposite of the reviewers. I got sick of the 2nd season's myth arc VERY quickly; seriously, I hate it when "prophecies" and "destines" and shit get thrown into a sci-fi setting.

I spent about four hours trying to figure out the lyrics to "L'Via, L'Viaquez" by The Mars Volta; then I realized that half the song was in Spanish. I gave up pretty soon after that.


I really should have seen this coming; we live in a world where Chelsea Reject and Troian Bellisario are both, technically, Black women.

Not true! When I was at Central I stayed in the same dorm as those girls and at least two of them were from Argentina!

Wait, what? I've never heard of this woman but going by the article, she's White and passing as Black… and she's doing this by choice?

I always appreciate an album that lets me nerd out and Surf let me do that by featuring a bunch of people who I was afraid had stopped making music. I'm glad Donnie managed to pull Saba and Noname Gypsy out from whatever
rocks they've been hiding under and got them on the album (especially Noname; she's so good but

He's Brazilian so he's probably got some black in him somewhere.

Why is The Weeknd not on this list? How you gonna have your beard lined up, but your hair looking like a xenomorph?

Re: Chet Hanks, I think we would if there weren't already so many white people getting up in his a$$. Seriously, I've never seen anything like it.

Telling me to stop shaming the stupid is like telling me to pee sitting down.

Neither of those albums are very good.

This episode just confirms my belief that you should never admit to smashing your girlfriend's sister or your homeboy's girlfriend; especially not if they're the same person. In this situation honesty is a road which leads nowhere good. It's much better to live a life of denial and avoidance.

I see "Nasty" by Bandit Gang Marco going this way; at least in the South.

Watching that scene, it felt to me like it could be either way. At the very least, I think that this could be an opening for Dorian to involve himself with the main cast under the pretext of discovering more about Lily.

I dig that Sembene's all mysterious and everything, I just wish we knew a little more about him. All of the other main characters feel like actual characters; Sembene almost feels like a prop.

I like the show well enough, but some of the dialogue bugs me; like, "would these people actually say that sentence like that, in that way?"

"If you burn enough bridges, the only way you can move is forward."