
Judging by season 2, it appears that the Spirits are sensitive to outside stimuli. Remember how Unalaq's dicking around in the spirit world caused all sorts of weird shit to start popping up?

Do my lesbian sex fantasies reeeaaaalllyyy diminish your enjoyment of a children's TV show?

I'm going to take everything just said as fact until I'm told otherwise.

When you think about it, that's probably the reason why Jaha is still alive right now. Literally NOBODY else from the Ark is capable of leading effectively; Abby's intelligent and has good intentions but she's stubborn, impulsive and can't prioritize the needs of the group when they conflict with her desire to protect

Well, that certainly got dark at the end.

I like Felicity. You're not supposed to like Nathan; you're supposed to be amused at the many bizarre ways the universe seeks to hurt/humiliate/cuckold him.

When I was around 10 or 11 years old, one of my cousin's graduated from Hampton University and I remember the commencement speaker was one Dr. William Cosby, Jr. I remember being tripped out because I didn't even know famous people did speaking events, but I also remember being really impressed by the speech he gave

Like PJ and Champ alluded to, whether pussy is "good", "great", or "mediocre" is largely down to a combination of different factors that would vary from person to person - depending on what you're into. Finding a woman that shares my particular turn-on's and who matches my silliness enhances the whole experience.

Disagree on My Name is Earl.

I'm Don Cheadle. Awesome.

Instead of being a direct Hitler analogue, maybe the creators mean for Kuvira to be an expy of one of the east Asian fascists/nationalists that sprang up during the 1930's.

I know, right? It's like Nero's your kindly uncle who sells elote around the old hood and drives his elderly neighbors to bible study every Wednesday.

Your feelings about Nero and Wendy are essentially how I felt about Tara the entire time she was on the show. I think such situations are realistic because I've seen people stay in toxic situations even though they are fully cognizant of just how screwed up that situation is. You got one foot out of the door, yet the

11. When you want to try something new, and you think that she's going to say no, but you ask anyway and instead of calling you a perv she does that little smile and says, "That sounds fun. Let's do that next time."

Meh. Obviously evil, mustache-twirling villains get boring fairly quickly.

I don't really see any indecision with Korra'a actions in regards to Kuvira. From the moment she arrived, she's said that she wants to talk to Kuvira and asses the situation before taking action.

I remember when I was like you; when the world was fresh and new and I was living in a pillow fort built by aspirational dreams and new found independence.


But now your interest is piqued….

It's a whole chicken boiled in a pot of saltwater and onions until the meat is tender enough to rip off with your fingers. After you get all the bones and hard bits (and skin, if you want) out you put the chicken shreds back in the chicken water along with sausage, rice and whatever spices you want. Then you just