
Take heart; you are not alone!!

Baked ham would be on the menu all the time until a couple of years ago when a bunch of relatives all decided that they weren't eating pork anymore and messed it up for everybody else.

But this list forgets the greatest once-a-year holiday food of them all; Chicken Bog! whoever brings that has got to either be from a Sea Island or have some Geechie blood in them from somewhere.

I have no clue what the fuck is going on anymore.

"You got blood on my coat, Eazy! This's a new coat!"

The whole time I just kept thinking; "Guys, calm down. Real crystal meth looks like glass. Those are stones."

If you do what you what you've always done, then you'll get what you always got.

Maybe you've got the right idea about this. My problem with this is that by all accounts the Earh Kingdom was rapidly descending into regional wars. There's still the argument to be made that if Kuvira had listened to Su and hadn't gone rouge and intervened early, would the situation have degenerated to the point

Wow. Okay, things are escalating nicely.

Yeah, Murphy's place in the show has been sort of bugging me, too. Thing is, I actually like that he's hanging around for right now; it's just that I can't get a bead on where the writers are going with him. There are a couple of things that make me think that the show isn't setting him up for some kind of redemptive

I enjoyed this episode, plus, it's great to see a small part of the creepiness of Mt. Weather exposed. It finally explains why the Grounders spoke so fearfully of the "Mountain Men" last season.

Fuck! I had Marks pegged as Fortinbras…

Seeing Chibs and Jax up on that roof brought to mind the words of Bill the Butcher;

But, again, what you're describing is nothing new. Black people have been disadvantaged for our entire history in this country. This myopic fixation on an amorphous "They" and what "those people" frame the conversation just convinces Black people that we have no agency.

It's probably just a difference of perspective, but I really think Symone recognizes that she can't "opt out" of being black. I'm certain she recognizes what she looks like and how the world looks at people her color. Like it or not, race comes with a lot of preconceived notions about how a person is supposed to

I don't see what people's problem is with Raven Symone or what she said. It's her SELF-identity; how she chooses to define herself doesn't reflect poorly on black people. It doesn't demean anyone else's blackness, and not taking any money out of anyone's pocket.

But bruh, they've been talking that shit about us since day one. Anybody who's inclined to write off all black people like that is going to seek out something that would confirm their bias, with or without Charles Barkley. A better question is, why are we so obsessed with slights emanating from a group of small minded

I listen to Charles Barkley and it's like I'm listening to my siddity aunt, or my uncle who lives in a mini-mansion. I just get the impression that they all heard those slights and questions about their blackness and internalized them. Thing is, I get where Barkley is coming from and- to a certain point- I agree with

Eh, he's a juvenile. They're not going to execute him…probably.

You're right. I'd never thought about it until you mentioned it, but we really don't know anything about Lincoln beyond the surface level stuff. Though I will say that the show appears to be moving in a direction where some answers about him will be revealed (what with him bringing Octavia to his home village).