What a fucking dipshit.
I always just got an envelope that could have anything from $1 to $100 in it.
Not one mention of Funzo?
Bonus panel for the Double Xp needs to have the peep holding a 👍 above the surface of the cocoa.
I always look forward to your articles, Peter. This one is great as usual! I love what you said about the Blade Runner game because for me, it was *the* experience of that narrative for the longest time. Now that it’s been many years I suppose the book has supplanted it in my mind, but the events and themes and things…
Fucking Oddjob.
They’re advocating the great Goomba genocide in these promotional material. Monsters!
The line “You can’t just ‘Yadda Yadda Yadda’ 9 through 2! This isn’t sex!” made me laugh way more than it should have.
I usually don’t have time to read the Kotaku features, so I fully expected to browse the first couple of paragraphs and move on.