
It’s not just white America that blatantly devalues little black girls. The black community is guilty of this as well. I grew up in a family and community that idealized girls who were born with light skin, keen features, and “good” hair.

I don’t think you’re seeing the forest for the trees, though. At the end of the day, what matters is that little girls are killing themselves period. It’s just in this case we’re looking at the context for why little Black girls are doing it.

Large black girls are being raped by Russell Simmons. Does anyone care to know why?

Large black girls are being raped by Russell Simmons. Does anyone care to know why?

He is a misogynistic asshole whom I wish you would have allowed to remain in obscurity, instead of digging up his fetid corpse to stink up the place. So just as much as you question her choice to involve him in her book, I question your choice to provide him with this platform to regurgitate more of his bullshit

Let’s see if this little grey duck can get this to work on mobile...


Personally, I think the Nike Pro Combat bras are the best — they’re my go-to for running, even though they’re technically mid-impact, but I don’t have a whole lot going on in the chest area.

I don’t think that Kate’s non-invite when she was a royal fiancee was a snub, since her family is local and she could take the opportunity to spend a quiet holiday with her family. Meghan’s family live on the west coast of the US, so it makes sense that she would be invited on the holiday, rather than sit home in

Thank you, Dr. Walker. Thank you.

Help your girls build confidence and self esteem. Also, learning to laugh got me through a lot.

(Woman here) But at what point are we taking away the woman’s agency? Not in this scenario, necessarily, but what about when a woman just truly wants to be involved with a man who has significantly more power? I completely see your point, but I am wondering when it becomes problematic to assume that consent isn’t

Matt Lauer is totally the heavy in this scenario. He totally went after her knowing what he was doing, but she exacerbated the situation herself by doing what she did. But I was looking at this from the perspective that she’s a person that looked at him and said “You’re married? Ok, let’s have sex”. Man or woman, that

Or, perhaps you could take her at her word and learn the difference between regret and victimization. You want her to be a victim so bad when she, herself, is not calling herself one. You can shove your aggressive labeling up your ass and save it for someone who really needs it.

I completely agree. But in her case, I don’t get any sense of victimization. Maybe naivety. She knew what she was doing when she entered into consensual (again, her own words) sex with him. She was dumb if she carried the thought “Oh, we had sex, now he’ll totally take me seriously and help my career at no gain to him

The idea that it is definitively non consensual at work if it’s between a powerful person and a less powerful person is a real stumbling block for me and I think a lot of people who know people who have met their SO at work and have worked in places that don’t only have one direct chain of command.

I have 2 little girls and this is breaking my heart. I can’t be with them 24/7 and we live in a cruel world. I just don’t know what to do beyond hugs and kisses.

Thank you! I wanted to say this but was too afraid of a pile-on. They had a consensual relationship!!!!!

Point them to Amber Tamblyn’s great op-ed, particularly the part about how men are forming little groups to feel safe, and how they still don’t realise that’s exactly how we feel ALL THE TIME.