
Children are so much easier to teach than grown men.

6x9...the size of the cell he’ll eventually inhabit.

I’m also a recovering alcoholic, and to me this mostly illustrates why the redemption process isn’t meant to be a public one.

*sigh* I look at them and I just want to give them a warm meal and a bath. And then call the police.

It’s like the Suicide Squad Joker come to life but if he was a child sexual predator rather than just played by one.

Weird, the guy with face tattoos makes ridiculously bad decisions.

These soundcloud rappers, from 6ix9ine to XXXTentacion and everyone in-between, I just don’t get it. What happened to early 00's hip-hop? Who are these freaks!? They make me feel so out of it.

this dude looks like a fake Onion article about 2017 rappers

As an addict and a victim, anger and zero-sum negativity are my greatest personal enemies. The only way to my recovery from all of this is to regain a source of faith in the world being imperfect-but-trying. We have have shame in our histories, and the older one gets the more it builds up. We make mistakes and act

I think this is deeply personal for me. A lack of ability to forgive is a tenet of the relationship I am in now, which I and my therapist both consider abusive.

I’m also a recovering alcoholic, and to me this mostly illustrates why the redemption process isn’t meant to be a public one. I suspect a lot of the response to this will only encourage his behavior, both these condemnations and the praise he’s getting for his honesty on Twitter. I hope he’s able to find some support

I’m pretty sure we’re not supposed to understand it at first (like he didn’t at the time) but then realize she was trying to disassociate during the assault by thinking of a children’s toy.

I get where you’re coming from here and am in agreement with a great deal of it. I’m currently working on atoning for my past behavior myself. I have a meeting with my AA sponsor tonight to go over my 8th step list, so I am by no means advocating against people being given second chances. People for the most party

Sometimes people do change! Puberty and alcoholism I think are two huge motives for being a bully or abuser. Sometimes maturity and sobriety can lead to real soul-searching, regret, guilt, shame, and change. My in-laws split up 3 years ago and while they were apart, they grew as people. Now they’re back together and

Drinking comes up quite a lot when guys try to excuse their behaviour.

I just, as an alcoholic who did a lot of awful things and had a lot of awful things done to me, cannot get behind this idea of the constant attack. He made his statement. I wish we could let it stand instead of then finding more and more reasons to create conflict.

The retweets are shit but apart from that, show an understanding of what happened. He’s so caught up in his own defense that he’s missing the part where he admits he tried over and over again to have sex with her after she said no until she relented. This is common amongst guys and it needs to stop. If someone says no

When was the last time you wore a white turtleneck?! My god she makes it look so chic.

I get so uncomfortable about the desire for people to suffer that goes against base tenets of mental health.

I’ve been wondering about this too, not from a “how to forgive the men” perspective, more like a “how men should now behave to make it stop” perspective. Public admission, tell other men not to be like this, and then...?Def him retweeting accolades kinda ruins it for me.