
This was intentional on the part of the GOP. They worked very hard and campaigned intentionally in order to turn the entire right into a single-issue voter base. And so long as they control that single issue, they’ll keep getting votes, even if they do everything they can to screw over hard working middle-class and

That’s a relatively recent thing. 20 years ago, abortion was a bit of an afterthought.

Right after Roe v. Wade, abortion was not a partisan issue. Both parties had plenty of people on both sides of the issue. The abortion issue was pushed by political consultants as a way to get Catholics and white Southern

I had a supervisor once who was rabidly pro-life. One of my co-workers started dating her son and got pregnant, and she was absolutely furious that nobody told her until it was too late to have an abortion. They really do think that they have a perfectly good reason, but everyone else is just doing it frivolously.

It’s abortion. My mom is Catholic, and even though she’s pro-choice, she’s in daily contact with a lot of single-issue pro-life voters. The women who believe in this issue believe it with a terrifying fanaticism; they simply cannot conceive of a valid reason to “kill a baby” and view any candidate who’s in favor of it

I agree: I’m a white woman liberal (63 years old) and I wouldn’t vote for Moore or any repug to save my life.

“Do you think abortion is really the issue there, or is it that support for anti-abortion candidates overlaps closely with support for white candidates?”

Plus it’s the law of the land. What exactly do they think Jones is going to do, run across the state performing abortions? Her argument made little sense to me.

I grew up in Mississippi and this is accurate. NOTHING I did or said broke my mother’s heart more than me being pro-choice. I distinctly remember her saying she failed as a mother and a Christian woman.

I grew up in Alabama, and I agree. Abortion being THE issue at the ballots was preached from my family and from the pulpit, and it took moving out of the state to reverse the brainwashing. It was framed as, if you voted for a pro-choice candidate you were the problem. Nothing is more important in Southern politics

I’m pretty sure the white woman GOP voters in my family (Alabamans) vote 100% only based on abortion. They will never vote for someone who admits to being pro-choice. For real. That and they are stealth racists who don’t care about equality. It’s like beating your head against a wall to convince them anything other

“Great Graphics” means so little these days. The latest and greatest in graphics tech essentially equals a little more anti-aliasing and a higher resolution. The “wow” factor is pretty much gone. Every successive console generation has been a little less impressive. We’ve reached the point of diminishing returns.

Oh, good luck with your 2nd! Yes, you hit it on the head. I’m definitely more patient and financially secure in my 40's.

To each their own, but Disney-obsessed adults creep me out.

I hear you on being an old parent. I had my first when I was 40, and am having my second at 45. What I lack in energy and youthful exuberance I make up for with patience and disposable income.

Oh Bobby, you are too innocent for these terrible times. John Stamos has not only talked about losing his virginity, he HAD A TV SHOW on this topic. And for the record, he was 17 (and a half):

John Stamos is older now than Wilford Brimley was when he did Cocoon. How’s that for a mind-blower?

Yeah, those bracelets make my eyes roll regardless of the age of the guy whose wearing them.

That was my thought as well. I had my kids at 30 and 33. I love them both, but if my husband and I have done our jobs they’ll be out of our house by the time we’re 54. I honestly think it would kill me to be at the parental starting line at 54.

“Matt Lauer fighting to save his marriage.”

News that John Stamos—a man who has probably been having sex for, oh, let’s be generous and say 30 years