
PLEASE let’s keep talking about the restaurant industry. For many of us, that’s where we got our first jobs as teens. And where we first experienced sexual harassment, although if you’re 16 years old you just try to tell yourself that it’s good that the cooks tease you because that must mean they like you and it’s

He always seemed sleazy, but damn if I didn’t live the show On the Road with him and Goop apparently being high and eating everything they found in Spain.

That was my issue with Alicia Keys in the whole, I’m not going to wear makeup anymore. She’s young, beautiful and has good skin—oh, the bravery. Plus, rich, famous and respected; but she only stopped wearing makeup after she attained those things. And I’m someone who likes makeup, and if I leave the house I will at

I’m thinking these jerks don’t even have to make up their own apologies anymore, they can just cut and paste one from whichever rapey dude got busted the day before.

uhhhh cuz people don’t live in a vacuum separate from society?

I think you and the OP are confusing her with Miranda Kerr. Lima was married for many years to an NBA player and only divorced last year. Kerr is the one who “happens” to date only billionaires and is notoriously mean and dumb.

She seems genuine. Most models get into the industry as teenagers and might not be cognizant of this kind of thing (and probably didn’t go to uni for gender studies or media criticism 101).

I wonder if you realize how ridiculous you sound with this way too wordy false equivalence.

I have to say, I’m not here for all the criticism being thrown at Lima for just now realizing the struggle many (most) women face regarding their appearance. This is a good thing. Can’t we just take it as that?

Marrying someone for money and connections isn’t the same as knowing he is a serial predator.

And if people don’t want to buy her clothes I totally get that! But to claim she now can’t even have friends? That’s going too far.

Also, like, okay you built your whole career on this and made millions. NOW you’re gonna take this stance? It’s awfully convenient now that she’s “older” and there are other younger models. Or maybe I’m just way too cynical...

Some people are quick to blame her, but I agree, we don’t know what she knew. And considering how Weinstein treated every other woman he came across, it’s certainly possible he was abusive to his wife.

Yeah this goes too far down the outrage hole for me.

Oh, I don’t know! I thought the only things I knew about her were 1. She’s a Victoria’s Secret model and 2. She was married to Orlando Bloom. Turns out though that Miranda Kerr was the one Bloom married so I only know one thing about her.

She’s essentially a real live Zoolander character.

Part of me is saying, “Don’t blame women for what the men in their lives do.”

And in that moment I realized that majority of woman probably wake up every morning trying to fit in a stereotype that society/socialmedia/fashion etc imposed

Was there a post about the power of 3 being broken? I may have missed it

Apparently they don’t have the same testing requirements. That was her argument and a lot of people backed her up on that